You are the one that takes away my loneliness. Your words are strong hands that lift away the stack of sorrow piled on top of me. Your smile is something unbelievable, something I never knew if I would see, something I have taken for granted. This is me begging, with all I have left, to be able to have the chance to keep it there always. How was I given so much power? The ability to create something so precious, and the ability to take it away. Now I know I want that ability so that I can be sure it is not wasted or abused. When your smile is gone, so is mine, and the tears come. I don't know how else to say it. You are the one that makes me happy. You are the one I know will be there for me and do anything for me. I am a fool to not accept such a priceless gift, absolutely insane. And now I may be trying to accept it too late. I need to give all of me to you. And yes, by need, I mean I will go out of my way for this. I want to dance for you, sing for you, scream for you, be there for you, learn from you, teach you, watch you, show you, listen to you, talk to you, trust you, never betray you, and whatever else I find along the way. Please let me make you smile.

yes he is

this is so very sweet of you to put my pic on your profile...
my gods you rock! !!