This is not your poem. I thought about it, and I would love to be able to write one for you, but I don't think it would come out good enough. At this moment, it would be angry and confused. I shouldn't be angry with you, i know this. Perhaps writing this will help me to not be angry and confused so that I can write for you something beautiful or inspiring, or at the very least, something that is a personalized memory from me. But I almost doubt it. I doubt it because I know I don't write like you, not even while I'm in pain. I doubt it because I write angrily and bluntly when I write. I write selfishly, blaming other people. That is not something I want to do to you, especially because I know you are not to blame. And I doubt it because I feel that I am surrounded by ugly, uninspiring trash that pushes out and forces away any kind of depth or true passion that I may have.
Sometimes, throughout this day, I'm wondering why and how this is affecting me so much. My body and mind feel numb and lifeless, like setting rigor mortis. I feel sick to my stomach, I eat little. When my body does move, it mildly shakes, little more than a tremble, or my eyes quiver due to the welling tears that I try not to let fall. I say all this to inform, not to hurt.
this is to be continued.
Sometimes, throughout this day, I'm wondering why and how this is affecting me so much. My body and mind feel numb and lifeless, like setting rigor mortis. I feel sick to my stomach, I eat little. When my body does move, it mildly shakes, little more than a tremble, or my eyes quiver due to the welling tears that I try not to let fall. I say all this to inform, not to hurt.
this is to be continued.
you are poetry! !!