Spent the weekend in Chicago with my wife and a couple of friends. Great place to go and unwind.
Sometimes it is good to go somewhere where you can relax, party, eat and just enjoy yourself without any responsibility. Stayed at the Allegro hotel, great rate found by Priceline.
For diner, we went to Rockit Bar and Grill. I highly recommend it. Great food, amazing atmosphere, and lots of beautiful women.
Then off to Rush St. for drinks at the Tavern on Rush. Drinks here are AMAZING!! I like strong drinks and this place makes STRONG drinks. My Beefeater and Tonic was 98% gin and 2% tonic. Just the way I make them. Yum.
After getting a bit blasted there, off to Excaliber for some good ole loud music and watch the dancing. (I cannot dance and look like I am having a seizure if I do)
Then at about 2:30am (in my defense, my wife and I had been up since 6:30am that morning) we went back to the hotel for some adult fun. Slept in until about 10am, then off to find breakfast/lunch to help aid in removing alcohol from the body.
Spent the remainder of the day walking around Michigan Ave, and a quick 'Chesseborger, cheeseborger, cheeseborger' at Billy Goat Tavern, then back to the hotel to get the car out of parking and back to ole Milwaukee.
Every good thing must come to an end I guess and this weekend did too. Can't wait to do it again soon.
Sometimes it is good to go somewhere where you can relax, party, eat and just enjoy yourself without any responsibility. Stayed at the Allegro hotel, great rate found by Priceline.
For diner, we went to Rockit Bar and Grill. I highly recommend it. Great food, amazing atmosphere, and lots of beautiful women.
Then off to Rush St. for drinks at the Tavern on Rush. Drinks here are AMAZING!! I like strong drinks and this place makes STRONG drinks. My Beefeater and Tonic was 98% gin and 2% tonic. Just the way I make them. Yum.
After getting a bit blasted there, off to Excaliber for some good ole loud music and watch the dancing. (I cannot dance and look like I am having a seizure if I do)
Then at about 2:30am (in my defense, my wife and I had been up since 6:30am that morning) we went back to the hotel for some adult fun. Slept in until about 10am, then off to find breakfast/lunch to help aid in removing alcohol from the body.
Spent the remainder of the day walking around Michigan Ave, and a quick 'Chesseborger, cheeseborger, cheeseborger' at Billy Goat Tavern, then back to the hotel to get the car out of parking and back to ole Milwaukee.
Every good thing must come to an end I guess and this weekend did too. Can't wait to do it again soon.
im in the queue for sept23rd
soon hun, very soon there shall be more. and by a great photographer.