Why did they, and I guess by they I mean the fine fellows who make Beefeater, Gilby's, New Amsterdam ect, have to make Gin so damned good?
I just can't stop drinking the stuff. You would think that after 20+ years of drinking it, I might move on, find something better. Wouldn't ya?
Hell I quit smoking, drinking even for 14 years, then I found my old friend Gin again. Damn I love it so.
Maybe it is like your dog. It is always there and always faithful. There when you need it and will leave you alone when you need it to to. It keeps me company when I am alone. Doesn't disappoint me, doesn't tease me or make a promise it won't keep.
Nope, good old Gin is always there and always happy to see me.
If it wasn't for my wife I might have married it. However I imagine that if I had done that, I wouldn't be here today. Some friends can treat you like shit and leave in the cold. Gin could do that. It did years ago. It hurt me, made me do stupid things. I have learned to respect Gin. I treat it right and it treats me great!
So, as I sit here, enjoying a great glass of Gin and Tonic, I raise my glass in a toast to you, Gin, may you live long and continue to dispense your alcohol love to me forever.
I just can't stop drinking the stuff. You would think that after 20+ years of drinking it, I might move on, find something better. Wouldn't ya?
Hell I quit smoking, drinking even for 14 years, then I found my old friend Gin again. Damn I love it so.
Maybe it is like your dog. It is always there and always faithful. There when you need it and will leave you alone when you need it to to. It keeps me company when I am alone. Doesn't disappoint me, doesn't tease me or make a promise it won't keep.
Nope, good old Gin is always there and always happy to see me.
If it wasn't for my wife I might have married it. However I imagine that if I had done that, I wouldn't be here today. Some friends can treat you like shit and leave in the cold. Gin could do that. It did years ago. It hurt me, made me do stupid things. I have learned to respect Gin. I treat it right and it treats me great!
So, as I sit here, enjoying a great glass of Gin and Tonic, I raise my glass in a toast to you, Gin, may you live long and continue to dispense your alcohol love to me forever.

Thanks for the comment on Great British Winter xx

Happy Earth Day!