I'm really tired of getting a cold every goddamn time I travel.... I can feel one comming on today.... I'm trying to nip it in the bud by drinking assloads of water, and taking someting from trader joe's called airborne...Good afternoon, SG.....
My trip has been great so far. I worked three days straight at Union Jack's, and was very successful. Friday night was my best night. Thursday was alright; I was still getting used to the stage and pole they have again, Friday I was "on". "On" as in My sets felt really strong, and I hit every beat, so my shows were good on stage, and I really worked the hell out of the evening... It was a really good night, but I really paid the price for it on saturday. All I could think about was how much pain I was in on saturday day... But I went in that night bruises and stage burns and all and worked as hard as I could, and fortunately for my Broken, tired, and busted ass, I didn't do terribly. I really like the collection of ladies they have at Jack's right now. It was really a pleasure to work with so many ladies with so much showmanship. I was proud and honored to work there......I also met some m,embers too... I don't remeber everyones name, so plaese don't hate me, but everyone I met was really cool. Thanks so much for comming out....
I had a shoot Saturday before my shift at the club, and we got some really cool stuff... I will show you some of it when I recieve the files.... I am also shooting tonight after I go to dinner with the SGPDX crew.... I have some really good ideas, and I hope they all turn out great.... I am also shooting tomorrow too. Work, work, work.... It's the story of my life..... At least I'm a cool boss to work for. I always underestand when I need the day off, or if I just flat out don't feel like working.... I have the best boss... Yay!
I got myself a present today at Sak's.... I had to. I don't spoil myself very often with extravagant purchases, But sometimes it is really nice. and besides the last time I spent any real money on myself was almost a year ago..... It had to be incredibly entertaining for the older woman in the elevator To watch a purle haired, pink shoed, dreadlocked, lipglossed woman be really excited about her new handbag.... I am so female sometimes, that it really shocks me.... But my new bag is really nice. I love it. There was another one I wanted too, but I am too practical to spend that much money on accessories in one day. Maybe next month. But I deffinetly want to get it before the next season's stuff comes out. There are two things I wil always spoend a good sum of money on: A fine handbag, and decent shoes... Because I have no problem whatsoever pairing a gucci handbag with a vintage dress, or even jeans.... as long as I wear nice shoes. Okay, I'll stop, I'm probably making you all sick..... anyway, Yeah, I'm stoked on my present to myself.
-Are your parents proud of you?
* I'm choosing to answer this because I want everyone to know what amazing people my parents are. Yes. I belive they are. I think it would probably make them happy if I started going back to thier church, but all in all I think they are pretty happy with the way I turned out. I am one of eight kids. I think me and my little brother in the army are their faves....
-Do you ever think about patching things up with someone you had a majior falling out with?
*I am still friends with everyone I have dated(how aquarian of me), and most of the friends I have had... there are a few people however, that I just would be real happy to never see again. Like I don't know if I'd mind if they just dissappeared off the face of the earth. fortunately, I can count these people on one hand.
-what are you best at cooking?
*Anything italian. period. I'm pretty good with fusion too.
-Besides your trip to portland,where else are you planning on going soon?
*maybe Vegas? deffinetly SF in may, and back to portland in may.
-In a fight between infinite strength and infinite wisdopm, who wins?
*brain over brawn, baby...
-How long did your snake tattoo take(the one down my side)?
* 13 months.
-What's your favorote item of clothing/accessory? why?
*Clothing Item: I inherited an original swing coat from the 1930's... It's made of silver chinchilla. It is in perfect condition, and absolutely just fucking beautiful It is special to me because I have known and helped care for this woman with my mom since I was a very small child. she died about two years ago. My favorite accessory is either the bag I got today, or this studded bracelet i found on the sidewalk in the rain in Hollywood about six weeks ago. I swear it's lucky......
I really miss you L.A. I can't wait to see you again. Portland has been great, and I will probably be back here in a month, but I always love comming home to you.... and well, of course my cat birch. she rules. I adore her.... I don't like leaving her.....
is only the best lebanese food on the west coast.I hadn't eaten there in two years untill today. good god, it was the bomb.... I was bummed earlier because I thought I wasn't going to have a chance to go there before I leave....
well, I better go.. I have to get ready for the SG PDX dinner, and I still have to pack my shoot stuff and I need to do some laundry... I hope you are all fabulous.....ciao!
xoxox -Voltaire
- would you consider yourself a dog or a cat person?
- How many sex partners have you had?(you don't have to answer that one if it offends you)
- Do you ever lie about your age?
don't forget to ask me a question....
My trip has been great so far. I worked three days straight at Union Jack's, and was very successful. Friday night was my best night. Thursday was alright; I was still getting used to the stage and pole they have again, Friday I was "on". "On" as in My sets felt really strong, and I hit every beat, so my shows were good on stage, and I really worked the hell out of the evening... It was a really good night, but I really paid the price for it on saturday. All I could think about was how much pain I was in on saturday day... But I went in that night bruises and stage burns and all and worked as hard as I could, and fortunately for my Broken, tired, and busted ass, I didn't do terribly. I really like the collection of ladies they have at Jack's right now. It was really a pleasure to work with so many ladies with so much showmanship. I was proud and honored to work there......I also met some m,embers too... I don't remeber everyones name, so plaese don't hate me, but everyone I met was really cool. Thanks so much for comming out....
I had a shoot Saturday before my shift at the club, and we got some really cool stuff... I will show you some of it when I recieve the files.... I am also shooting tonight after I go to dinner with the SGPDX crew.... I have some really good ideas, and I hope they all turn out great.... I am also shooting tomorrow too. Work, work, work.... It's the story of my life..... At least I'm a cool boss to work for. I always underestand when I need the day off, or if I just flat out don't feel like working.... I have the best boss... Yay!
I got myself a present today at Sak's.... I had to. I don't spoil myself very often with extravagant purchases, But sometimes it is really nice. and besides the last time I spent any real money on myself was almost a year ago..... It had to be incredibly entertaining for the older woman in the elevator To watch a purle haired, pink shoed, dreadlocked, lipglossed woman be really excited about her new handbag.... I am so female sometimes, that it really shocks me.... But my new bag is really nice. I love it. There was another one I wanted too, but I am too practical to spend that much money on accessories in one day. Maybe next month. But I deffinetly want to get it before the next season's stuff comes out. There are two things I wil always spoend a good sum of money on: A fine handbag, and decent shoes... Because I have no problem whatsoever pairing a gucci handbag with a vintage dress, or even jeans.... as long as I wear nice shoes. Okay, I'll stop, I'm probably making you all sick..... anyway, Yeah, I'm stoked on my present to myself.
-Are your parents proud of you?
* I'm choosing to answer this because I want everyone to know what amazing people my parents are. Yes. I belive they are. I think it would probably make them happy if I started going back to thier church, but all in all I think they are pretty happy with the way I turned out. I am one of eight kids. I think me and my little brother in the army are their faves....
-Do you ever think about patching things up with someone you had a majior falling out with?
*I am still friends with everyone I have dated(how aquarian of me), and most of the friends I have had... there are a few people however, that I just would be real happy to never see again. Like I don't know if I'd mind if they just dissappeared off the face of the earth. fortunately, I can count these people on one hand.
-what are you best at cooking?
*Anything italian. period. I'm pretty good with fusion too.
-Besides your trip to portland,where else are you planning on going soon?
*maybe Vegas? deffinetly SF in may, and back to portland in may.
-In a fight between infinite strength and infinite wisdopm, who wins?
*brain over brawn, baby...
-How long did your snake tattoo take(the one down my side)?
* 13 months.
-What's your favorote item of clothing/accessory? why?
*Clothing Item: I inherited an original swing coat from the 1930's... It's made of silver chinchilla. It is in perfect condition, and absolutely just fucking beautiful It is special to me because I have known and helped care for this woman with my mom since I was a very small child. she died about two years ago. My favorite accessory is either the bag I got today, or this studded bracelet i found on the sidewalk in the rain in Hollywood about six weeks ago. I swear it's lucky......
I really miss you L.A. I can't wait to see you again. Portland has been great, and I will probably be back here in a month, but I always love comming home to you.... and well, of course my cat birch. she rules. I adore her.... I don't like leaving her.....
is only the best lebanese food on the west coast.I hadn't eaten there in two years untill today. good god, it was the bomb.... I was bummed earlier because I thought I wasn't going to have a chance to go there before I leave....
well, I better go.. I have to get ready for the SG PDX dinner, and I still have to pack my shoot stuff and I need to do some laundry... I hope you are all fabulous.....ciao!
xoxox -Voltaire
- would you consider yourself a dog or a cat person?
- How many sex partners have you had?(you don't have to answer that one if it offends you)
- Do you ever lie about your age?
don't forget to ask me a question....
2. 2, and it probably will stay there, but I'm happy about it.
3. No, but sometimes i think I'm still like 17 or 18 just cuz everyone seems to think I am...
Hoq long have u been growing ur dreads? How often do u wash them?
Does this only apply to having it with members of the opposite sex, or does same sex count too? 3 of each
All the time.
What inspires you?
Could your life be better?