I've been home a few days now, and have been getting my Burning man prep done. There is SO much to do still, and I leave for playa on the 26th(I think). I feel kind of strange saying this, but I think I really just want to stay home for a couple of weeks and hang out with my kitties before I take off again. The rest of this year is about travel, and so is all of next year, and there is NO way around it. I'll be in The UK from October to December, and then I think I am back in St Croix in late December/January........ No rest for the wicked.
On the home front, life is good. I have a rather prolific garden this year, and it's been fun and rewarding. I am growing two squashes, eight varieties of heirloom tomato, three cucumbers; one of them is a volunteer that we grew two years ago, five kinds of peppers/chiles, a volunteer everglade tomato that has popped up every year now, a purple artichoke that is getting choked out by the everglade tomato, and over 30 herbs for both medicinal and culinary uses. No, I am not growing weed, but I have in the past, and it really was a fun little project. I've got a ton of tomatoes though, and some of these absolutely have to get canned before I head to the burn. Really. The rest I can freeze and then can them when I get back. There are a TON! I definitely have my work cut out for me.
I work tonight, and It is a pretty good line up. It's Tuesday, and the club has been dead, so I don't expect much, but hey my life really isn't all that expensive, so I don't really need that much. I usually do very well though, and the money I make, I save; it means having the means to do fun things...... like travel and shoot photos. I am weighing the decision as to whether or not I will shoot a new set. If I do, I am considering shooting it myself in the location of my choice. If I do, I want it to be something totally different from anything else. If I do, it will take three days to do it right unless I have an assistant, LOL.
Okay, I think I've rambled enough here. Be well. :)