I've had a lot on my mind lately. here are just a few:
Burning Man and road trips....
This will be my fifth burn and while I am looking forward to it I am craving the solitude of a long road trip. I even have one mapped out already but it would take two weeks and would cover about 2500 miles; maybe more. Don't get me wrong, I love the burn, and It will be fun as all hell, but I seriously crave the solitude of the open road with my camera. I can't help it. I will have almost all of August off and I am planning a trip out to Bachelor for a few days. I love sleeping outside and I miss my tiny little tent that I have nicknamed "the abode".
Things I've noticed....
I've noticed a lot of the blogs here are full of selfies; many of them scantily clad or not clad at all. I have no problem with that, but I'm not doing it. Don't get me wrong, my body looks great, but that's not what I'm about. My instagram is full of hiking, camping, workout, and road trip pics. Almost every one of them is fully clothed. That's just the way I roll. Would I shoot a set for SG? Sure, if the right photographer shot it, and I thought it would actually get accepted. I am not sure I would fit in set wise these days. Either way, I'm still glad I came back. I missed typing here.
I have a lot coming up in the new year. And some even before the new year. I'm heading to Vermont in September to meet up with @lily and I'm doing Europe, Peru, and Cambodia next year. St Croix is on my list as well. I went to St Croix last year and wished I'd stayed longer than a week. This time I will stay two weeks, maybe three. It is so amazing there. It's on my list of places I'd want to move to.
A Few of My Favourite things....
My garden. I'm growing two kinds of cucumber, eight varieties of tomato, two squash, a purple artichoke, and over 30 herbs both culinary and medicinal. No I'm not growing weed. It's legal here and I could just go buy it. I have quite a few flowers planted specifically to attract both bees and humming birds. One of my absolute favorite things to do is make a really nice cup of tea and sit on my front step and watch all the bees, butterflies, and humming birds. I've got jays too; I've been feeding them and they hang out now. I practically live on that front step all spring summer and fall. It's very zen.
The Future....
I have quite a few goals for next year. After I replace my computer, I am thinking about buying some land and putting a tiny house on it. I just need to decide if it will be forest or desert. I've got time to figure it out.... :)