I think I found a new studio!!! It's a non-live, but I'll make it work. The building had a lot of the energy I need right now. And the view! The view is what did it. Water, mountains, ferry's, cranes, cars, sunsets.... It's going to be rather bohemian, but I'm stoked. It's not available till the first so this whole house thing has time to finish.
So my february will be filled with moving and building the space to suit. March? I'm heading down to SF for Papawheelie's birthday bash and then off to Bali for, what I think will be April and May. I decided I needed some time in paradise to chill and re-group.
Laptop battery is about shot so I'll end it at that.
Update!!!! They found my Van
No damage? Except it seems to need a new starter? They found it like a block away in a parking lot, with a not on the dash ( broken down live in neighborhood please don't tow) I'm really confused. It cost me $440 to get it out of the impound and the starter should be about another 100. But what the fuck? Did some drunk actually get into the wrong van and did the key actually work enough to start it? Maybe they didn't let her warm up and she died? They continued to try and start it? Flooded it? And continued to drunkenly fry my starter? Show up the next day to deal with it, and realize it wasn't theirs and bailed? I have no idea. All that's missing is my skateboard, jumper cables, and flash light. Hmm
So my february will be filled with moving and building the space to suit. March? I'm heading down to SF for Papawheelie's birthday bash and then off to Bali for, what I think will be April and May. I decided I needed some time in paradise to chill and re-group.
Laptop battery is about shot so I'll end it at that.
Update!!!! They found my Van

I am all for that plan. Got a day in mind?
that is one of the 7 mysteries of the world...maybe you should go to Tibet instead of Bali & ask a monk to meditate on the question of the van that was lost but is now found...just a thought