I've just discovered my new favorite thing to put on sandwiches.
just had it on a turkey and swiss with romaine on pita bread.
holy good moly! it's sweet and then POW...it kicks in with some spice. I likes it.
I've sort've begun a new religion caleld sammich. it's almost all of what I eat. it's convienent requires little to no cooking and is good for these hot summer days...plus endless variation.
so no work today. business is slowing down despite it being a zillion fucking degrees outside. no work for tomorrow either. so only a 3 day work week just like last week. but that's ok. I'm enjoying the time off. After working last week then going to drill and then right back to work.
Got some stuff done today. bike needed some work and mailed off some cds and a surprise to my g.gi..gi...gir....girrrrr.....girlfriend. see!? I can say (uh type) it without going into a seizure.
it's just been such a long time since I've had use for that particular term.
she's coming down to visit soon and I'm being 'tarded trying to plan a whole bunch of fun stuff for us to go do when all we really need to do is spend as much time in my apartment as humanly possible. We are still gonna do a few things though...this one surprise I have planned for her...I bet she loves it. I hope so.
heh I even bought her some motorcycle gear so we can go ride...her gloves are TINY...
I'm such a goober. ignore me.
finally getting some prints made to put stuff up on my walls.
this one (too wide for the journal)
and possibly
just had it on a turkey and swiss with romaine on pita bread.
holy good moly! it's sweet and then POW...it kicks in with some spice. I likes it.
I've sort've begun a new religion caleld sammich. it's almost all of what I eat. it's convienent requires little to no cooking and is good for these hot summer days...plus endless variation.
so no work today. business is slowing down despite it being a zillion fucking degrees outside. no work for tomorrow either. so only a 3 day work week just like last week. but that's ok. I'm enjoying the time off. After working last week then going to drill and then right back to work.
Got some stuff done today. bike needed some work and mailed off some cds and a surprise to my g.gi..gi...gir....girrrrr.....girlfriend. see!? I can say (uh type) it without going into a seizure.
it's just been such a long time since I've had use for that particular term.
she's coming down to visit soon and I'm being 'tarded trying to plan a whole bunch of fun stuff for us to go do when all we really need to do is spend as much time in my apartment as humanly possible. We are still gonna do a few things though...this one surprise I have planned for her...I bet she loves it. I hope so.
heh I even bought her some motorcycle gear so we can go ride...her gloves are TINY...
I'm such a goober. ignore me.
finally getting some prints made to put stuff up on my walls.
this one (too wide for the journal)
and possibly
The back thing is the strain from 2 years ago that likes to come out and say hello from time to time. Like I said before: If I'd known it was going to bother me for this long, I'd have punched Sgt Dipshit in the nose for fucking up that leg sweep.