birthday passed without any real incident. spent the day working on the range with students. this'll have been my 4th birthday in a foreign country...not the worst one. and however many others spent working in uniform. The Thursday before my birthday, the local contractor guys here had a cookout and I was given a cake. That was pretty cool. damn cake lasted a good week with all the Marines eating it.
It's been work as usual. a lot of usual BS and red tape. New Lt Colonel here, the only Army and he already knows everything there is to know and is making decisions to match. We've already taken to calling him "Stone Cold" because every time we have to do something stupid and some one asks why the answer has been "because Stone Cold said so..." supposedly it's a professional wrestling reference.
to help pass the time, my guys got industrious in the area behind our barracks and put in a screen and a fire-pit and hanged a dart board up on our emergency bunker. even spliced in some cheap speakers to the power.