Been fairly busy the last few months. I moved from Austin back down to San Antonio area. Some good friends bought a huge house (the market being cheap) and had plenty of spare room. And had use for a guy who knew how to cook on occasion and do things like hang ceiling fans and whatnot....ok...I'm a houseboy.
I moved in back in May, but was away for a good while for Marine Corps training up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and then some other spots. Working on some things as far as my military career goes.
Some of y'all might remember, that right before I left, I had my motorcycle stolen in Austin and was fighting with the insurance company about the pay out worth of my bike. Well, Progressive actually came thru better than I expected and I used the settlement as a down payment on my first really new bike.
other than that, I am still working for the same A/C company that I was before. They let me keep my job (and all my vacation time) and moved me down to the San Antonio branch...though I work all over the place...I've logged more than 200 miles just driving to jobs in a day a few times now.
I also was able to take a short vacation with my housemates. I'll get some photos of that up here soon. still sorting thru them all.
anyhow...good to be back. missed some of you guys.
ok so..SG no longer resizes pics? that's a pain in the ass.
That class is a trainwreck-the professor who spoke that day doesn't really pay attention to the first few rows-both of the profs have convinced themselves that they're actually doing a good job and can't be told otherwise. At least the professors in my other classes seem to have things together. The other intro class I have is amazing (tech-learning about how web engines are built, how Unix and Linux started, online multimedia projects) and is actually something a lot of people have to take as well, but they way the class is structured works much more efficiently and is actually something I'll use for my job.