Surviving my work schedule. It's actually not as hectic as it seems, since my workday has many small breaks throughout. I work in A/C and Heating service, so I go to peoples' homes and fix their malfunctioning furnaces and what not and sometimes I'll finish a job and wait for half and hour to an hour before another one comes in. I keep a book in my truck with me (currently reading Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol) or one of the many many magazines that I subscribe to pass the time. I want to get a new phone so I can supply myself with other diversions as well, but the phone I currently have:
is rugged as book(that's a sort of algebraic Clara reference). and well suited to my job and lifestyle.( I live an alternative lifestyle characterized with sheer clumsiness and a wanton disregard for cellphone construction)
I'm not so sure one of these newer new fangled phones would survive me.
I don't know where this was going.
so! over the weekend my dvd drive on my computer crapped the hell out on me finally. So I went to Bust Buy to get a new one. It was a Sunday and I wanted DVDness. So I got a drive. However...being the consumer who-ore that I be I also wandered thru the DVDs for sale and PC videogame aisles. Not such the greatest idea (evar). So now I have some sort of deluxe edition of Troy (don't laugh! it totally has Brad Pitt, Eric Bana AND Orlando Bloom in it! *swoon* JUST KIDDING. it's a pretty decent movie and for $7 I bought it). Also got the new Hellboy which I have yet to see. Wanted to see it in the theater but never did. And I bought this new Fallout3 game which probably won't even run on my three year old computer (three years is like 374,992 in computer years).
These are ridiculous purchases given that I am pining away over a new lense (or two) for my camera. ahhhh to have a f1.4 wide angle macro! and I want to be traveling sometime...or going back to school. ugh...I need to win the powerball or rob a bank...well...not rob a bank...pretend to BE a bank and ask the guvment for some billions...that's the way to do it.
One time, OK, one time Randy Beaman's brother ate pop rocks and drank a soda and his head exploded! Ok, bye!