soooooooooo. I was supposed to work late last night...or at least I was the guy on call for after hours or what not, but I was rescued from having to work past 7pm when my work truck's engine caught fire. thank goodness for that! no, really. Actually it didn't so much catch fire as eat the belt and pull a hose loose so that fluid dumped onto the engine and came smoking out from under the hood so that it looked like it was on fire. which is a good thing since it cause people to get the hell out of my way...which was a good thing because I lost my steering(mostly) and brakes(pretty much entirely) when the belt went. Fun times.
work schedule for the next few days: today is 8am til 7, Friday: 8am til midnight. Saturday 5am til midnight, Sunday: 7am til about 10pmish and then right back into a normal work week. sheesh.
HAHAHHAHAHAHA. Best dating site...evahr!
work schedule for the next few days: today is 8am til 7, Friday: 8am til midnight. Saturday 5am til midnight, Sunday: 7am til about 10pmish and then right back into a normal work week. sheesh.
HAHAHHAHAHAHA. Best dating site...evahr!
and thanks