Just woke from a dead sleep in a panic for no apparent reason. hate when I do that.
ugh. now I feel wired/zombified all at once.
the best part is I get to work tomorrow. Labor Day! Bah! Humbug.
The rest of this weekend went pretty well. did some family stuff and was hanging out with old friends for a bit. been wanting to get out and use the camera more, but not too many chances. but even still.
I took some pictures of my friends' pups
ugh. now I feel wired/zombified all at once.
the best part is I get to work tomorrow. Labor Day! Bah! Humbug.
The rest of this weekend went pretty well. did some family stuff and was hanging out with old friends for a bit. been wanting to get out and use the camera more, but not too many chances. but even still.
I took some pictures of my friends' pups
and then they took one of us passed out after too much food
have to dig up photos of the puggy pug. shorn muh hair off last weekend. going back to drilling status as of a couple weekends from now. It's been nice to have my weekends off, but I'm going back to drilling. I've missed being actively part of the Marine Corps and I'm going to need the extra income through the winter months.
there's other stuff I'd write about but I still an't think to clearly. it's 315am. I'm gonna have some water and try to go back to sleep.