It's only Monday morning and I already have a 28 hour work week finished!
sign I need to slow down: I was working in a hot, cramped attic yesterday. I took out my thermometer...136 degrees in the attic. was up there most of the day. the old lady whose air conditioning I was trying to fix took pity and brought me a glass of ice water. I took a big gulp and cracked an ice cube between my back teeth....and one of those teeth broke apart.
actually it was a crown put in by the Navy back when i was at Marine Corps boot camp. It's the fourth time I've had a filling or a crown installed by the US Navy that has broken apart or fallen out. and it's not like they warranty this stuff. frak.
at least it's not too sensitive so I can still drink my coffee.
wish I had more to talk about, but that's my existnce at the moment. all kinds of travel plans floating around my head, but they are sorta nebulous until other things get taken care of.
some rain on the way. please bring us some rain. it's been 104 degrees the last few days and I'm ready for a break.

sign I need to slow down: I was working in a hot, cramped attic yesterday. I took out my thermometer...136 degrees in the attic. was up there most of the day. the old lady whose air conditioning I was trying to fix took pity and brought me a glass of ice water. I took a big gulp and cracked an ice cube between my back teeth....and one of those teeth broke apart.
actually it was a crown put in by the Navy back when i was at Marine Corps boot camp. It's the fourth time I've had a filling or a crown installed by the US Navy that has broken apart or fallen out. and it's not like they warranty this stuff. frak.
at least it's not too sensitive so I can still drink my coffee.
wish I had more to talk about, but that's my existnce at the moment. all kinds of travel plans floating around my head, but they are sorta nebulous until other things get taken care of.
some rain on the way. please bring us some rain. it's been 104 degrees the last few days and I'm ready for a break.
Thank you so very much. I greatly appreciate your imput. Damn I had something cool I said on here. stolen by the spaceways.