my weekend in a nutshell
2)motorcycle show
3) lesbian bar
hahaha. I just thought...that's what SG needs next for personal profiles...a little CNN type ticker that runs along the bottom of your screen...something you can just text in that will run down there...kinda like that tweeter thing or whatever that the kids are raving about these days. That's what mine would have said running along the bottom of it for the weekend.
The full story. My youngest brother (it's scary when the brother who was just entering grade school about the time you were going off to college is looking forward to his 21st birthday) came by and we drove down to San Antonio from Austin late Friday night. I took my motorcycle. It was chilly and misty, but luckily not raining so I just got the damp chills rather than the "god, I hate you" soakededness. I crashed with my best friends down in SanAnt, greatest couple evah..just both happen to be girls. my homies..that's the circles I run in. anyway. We all went down to the motorcycle show the next morning and spent the day there. Good times, drooling over all the fun toys I can't afford.
I got to test drive the Spyder. and a sport ATV. fun fun. It took some getting used to the steering and my friends were laughing at me because the first time on the ATV I was all over the place on the course...driving ACROSS rather than through the course. har har

I also went to go visit my father. I've been pretty lucky dad-wise. Mine's a good one. He's recovering from a lot of cancer treatment and several surgeries and it's not going as well as it could be. It worries me more than a little to see how much weight he's lost and how little he's able to do. I've got to get down there more to check in on him and help him get something other than a "lay in bed and watch TNT and AMC all day long until I heal" recovery plan.
Then I went with my friends and some of their friends who are in town out edit: I am leaving this phrase in because I think it's funny. I was trying to say "in from out of town"...but apparantly I had a seizure.
Of course they took me to a packed lesbian bar. It was good times. I didn't drink. Mostly just people watched, like I normally do at the clubs. My credit card # was "stolen" and someone attempted to use it to buy a bunch of crap so I had to cancel the card and now have to wait for a replacement. this is the second time in two years. bleh.
OH! And my friends have a PS3 and somehow conviced me to make a fool out of myself on Guitar Hero for the first time. It's interesting and fun game..and addicting in a Tetris meets Simon meets freebasing sort of way.
2)motorcycle show
3) lesbian bar
hahaha. I just thought...that's what SG needs next for personal profiles...a little CNN type ticker that runs along the bottom of your screen...something you can just text in that will run down there...kinda like that tweeter thing or whatever that the kids are raving about these days. That's what mine would have said running along the bottom of it for the weekend.
The full story. My youngest brother (it's scary when the brother who was just entering grade school about the time you were going off to college is looking forward to his 21st birthday) came by and we drove down to San Antonio from Austin late Friday night. I took my motorcycle. It was chilly and misty, but luckily not raining so I just got the damp chills rather than the "god, I hate you" soakededness. I crashed with my best friends down in SanAnt, greatest couple evah..just both happen to be girls. my homies..that's the circles I run in. anyway. We all went down to the motorcycle show the next morning and spent the day there. Good times, drooling over all the fun toys I can't afford.
I got to test drive the Spyder. and a sport ATV. fun fun. It took some getting used to the steering and my friends were laughing at me because the first time on the ATV I was all over the place on the course...driving ACROSS rather than through the course. har har

I also went to go visit my father. I've been pretty lucky dad-wise. Mine's a good one. He's recovering from a lot of cancer treatment and several surgeries and it's not going as well as it could be. It worries me more than a little to see how much weight he's lost and how little he's able to do. I've got to get down there more to check in on him and help him get something other than a "lay in bed and watch TNT and AMC all day long until I heal" recovery plan.
Then I went with my friends and some of their friends who are in town out edit: I am leaving this phrase in because I think it's funny. I was trying to say "in from out of town"...but apparantly I had a seizure.
Of course they took me to a packed lesbian bar. It was good times. I didn't drink. Mostly just people watched, like I normally do at the clubs. My credit card # was "stolen" and someone attempted to use it to buy a bunch of crap so I had to cancel the card and now have to wait for a replacement. this is the second time in two years. bleh.
OH! And my friends have a PS3 and somehow conviced me to make a fool out of myself on Guitar Hero for the first time. It's interesting and fun game..and addicting in a Tetris meets Simon meets freebasing sort of way.
How could anyone not enjoy space herpes?
hello my favorite.