OK, I am back in New York. Have been for a few days now. I'm still gathering up all my photos and thoughts from my all too brief vacation in Europe. I'll have more of both (thoughts and photos) up here soon. It's been a great trip, but...like always, entirely too brief. I don't get homesick nearly as strong as I get itchy feet. I'm still not missing any comforts of home yet. I suppose that Katy has taken the train up to meet me here before I fly home eases that. But I still think I should have scheduled another week or so in Romania or Bulgaria even.
anyhow. I had an amazing time and met up with a wide range of interesting people. And this time it was on my own traveling terms...not as a uniformed member of the Emperor's Legions. Budapest, as always, was amazing and beautiful and old and bursting into modern times. The do a really good job of mixing their past with their present. And they didn't tear down the old buildings to make way for Soviet style apartments....at least not in the central area....the way they did in many other countries. I can always go back there. I just wish Hungarian was easier to learn.
Romania was gorgeous. Mostly pastoral and bucolic rural areas until you get into Bucharest, which is a huge (again Soviet style) urban area. The people there are amazing. It's a lot like Ireland in that it seems to be mostly a younger country...though they are experiencing a big problem with flight of younger people to other countries to make more money. It's a shame. there's a lot going on there.
Brasov was pretty but the weather was not, up in the Transylvanian mountains. Got to see some snow...which then turned into freezing rain. But I always like the mountains.
anyway...back in New York now and wrapping things up. be back in Texas soon.
anyhow. I had an amazing time and met up with a wide range of interesting people. And this time it was on my own traveling terms...not as a uniformed member of the Emperor's Legions. Budapest, as always, was amazing and beautiful and old and bursting into modern times. The do a really good job of mixing their past with their present. And they didn't tear down the old buildings to make way for Soviet style apartments....at least not in the central area....the way they did in many other countries. I can always go back there. I just wish Hungarian was easier to learn.
Romania was gorgeous. Mostly pastoral and bucolic rural areas until you get into Bucharest, which is a huge (again Soviet style) urban area. The people there are amazing. It's a lot like Ireland in that it seems to be mostly a younger country...though they are experiencing a big problem with flight of younger people to other countries to make more money. It's a shame. there's a lot going on there.
Brasov was pretty but the weather was not, up in the Transylvanian mountains. Got to see some snow...which then turned into freezing rain. But I always like the mountains.
anyway...back in New York now and wrapping things up. be back in Texas soon.
Hi Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Everything is going well here, just super stressed with school. This is my hardest semester ever and I feel on the verge of a mental breakdown just about every day! Luckily I have that awesome man of mine to keep me sane.
it's not playing here this weekend!