Not anything else though apparently.
It is NOT my week.
It started with last weekends trip to West Virginia to see Michael's dying grandfather. We've all been on edge wondering when the bad day will come. It hasn't yet.
But since I wasn't expecting anything bad, something bad found me.
My uncle passed away yesterday.
He wasn't my blood uncle. He was my dad's best friend since forever, and he was my god father. He's been close to my family for so long that I didn't realize until I was about 10 that we weren't actually related.
As Godfather's go, he was a pretty bad ass one to have, and hella intimidating if you didn't know any better.
We're all pretty torn up about it. None of us can make it to the funeral in Ohio, which makes it worse.
The only break I've had from crying one minute and then giggling the next at something dumb we all did together, was when I decided I was going to injure myself repeatedly.
Not on purpose either.
Last night I somehow cut open my heel badly enough to bleed EVERYWHERE and make Michael wonder if I needed to go to the hospital for stitches.
Then this morning I decided to slide in the mud and slam my knee to the concrete, giving myself a huge goose egg. Incidentally it doesn't hurt unless you poke me, I tried >_<
To top it off I had an eye appointment today, and seeing as I hate things in my eyes, they blew air into them, put dilating eye drops in them, and then every thing was severely bright and I looked like an actress trying to be incognito from the paparazzo in my mom's huge sunglasses, lol
I did have a few nice things happen today though.
We found out a random kitty that adopted us had a baby, and he/she/it apparently LOVES me.
Puppy loves kitten too, but Sampson's head is like five times the size of kitten...O_o
We also found old pictures of my uncle.
My parents and I are going to miss him a feels...awkward...for him to not be there any more. I've known his as long as my own parents. Daddy tells me of things they used to do all the time followed by "now you aren't my and billy, your my little girl, so you don't go out and do those things...unless billy and I take you."
Also, there are apparently things they did in their rebellious youth that I'm not allowed to know about, but my parents and I joked today that Dad and I should sit down and he tell me everything and I write it and publish it. Changing the names to protect the super guilty of course.
My Dad and Uncle Bill would put Tucker Max to shame. They would embarrass him, make him feel like a little boy playing in a sand box and send him home with his tail between his legs.
Trust me, I know, I;ve read Tucker's book, and heard some of my Dad's and Bill's more "tame" stories.
My family legacy leaves me a lot of room for creativity when they say "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," although most times in my house this is followed up by "wait...don't do anything I WOULD do either...don't do anything you know I don't want you too".
Still plenty of wiggle room, trust me, my nights out are wilder with my parents than they are with my friends, and I am plenty okay with that.
I'm exhausted, off to bed so I can get up early, take a philosophy quiz, endure my government class, and do home to pick up my new glasses and play "Wet" with my mom until we all go out and give Uncle Bill the send off he would have wanted. After tomorrow night I may not be sober again until next week.
Love you all, please have a great end of the week/weekend and show love to those around you.