It's been such a week...ugh
Michael got his stitches out yesterday, I've been excitedly staring at his scar and the damage as much as he'll let
I even got pictures for him documenting his healing process since he can't get a great look at his own neck up close.
Also, I've reconnected with a friend in Raleigh and she has convince me to go to NekoCon with her November 6-8. I think we may only hit it up for one day since it's a few hours away from us, well it's a state away actually, lol, but we're excited.
We're going to do a matching cat theme, a black cat and a white cat, to be opposites.
We're going to go looking for things tomorrow to start out outfits.
If anyone else is going to be there then let me know and we'll look for you there!!!
I've been listening to the same crazy playlist lately, and people on the buses stare at me like I'm silly while I dance a little in my seat. It is amazingly hard to get people to start a sing a long on the bus at 9:20 in the morning on the way to class...
Anyway, who else is excited about the three day weekend coming up?? I am.
Also, a big congrats to Chika for going Pink this week! I'm so excited for her.
Go give Tweedle some love on her set Uzumaki because it's awesome and she looks amazing in it.
Seriously, I would love to see another one of my ladies go Pink.
Speaking of, my set projects will be coming soon, I just have to get everything together, lol.
P.S...Did I ever mention how much I want Vivid to just adopt me and do my hair and make up every day??
Michael got his stitches out yesterday, I've been excitedly staring at his scar and the damage as much as he'll let
I even got pictures for him documenting his healing process since he can't get a great look at his own neck up close.
Also, I've reconnected with a friend in Raleigh and she has convince me to go to NekoCon with her November 6-8. I think we may only hit it up for one day since it's a few hours away from us, well it's a state away actually, lol, but we're excited.
We're going to do a matching cat theme, a black cat and a white cat, to be opposites.
We're going to go looking for things tomorrow to start out outfits.
If anyone else is going to be there then let me know and we'll look for you there!!!
I've been listening to the same crazy playlist lately, and people on the buses stare at me like I'm silly while I dance a little in my seat. It is amazingly hard to get people to start a sing a long on the bus at 9:20 in the morning on the way to class...
Anyway, who else is excited about the three day weekend coming up?? I am.
Also, a big congrats to Chika for going Pink this week! I'm so excited for her.
Go give Tweedle some love on her set Uzumaki because it's awesome and she looks amazing in it.
Seriously, I would love to see another one of my ladies go Pink.
Speaking of, my set projects will be coming soon, I just have to get everything together, lol.
P.S...Did I ever mention how much I want Vivid to just adopt me and do my hair and make up every day??
aww you so cute. When you coming out with a set little lady? I know Chika went live with her first set! fucking awesome !