I'm actually about to head off to bed, I wanted to drop by long enough to express the utter joy that is still coursing through my brain after the Amanda Palmer show I went to last night.
It was FANTASTIC and if you EVER have a chance to go see her, DO IT.
She was amazing, and she cried onstage because we were her last show if this particular tour, it was heartbreaking and joyful at the same time.
After the show I chatted with her about shooting an SG set in her honor, which she was all for, and then we kissed so I could make my best friend jealous.
I'm telling you, she's a woman after my own heart, lol
Sadly my camea died right as her show started, but I did get a few pictures that I will add to this later.
Love to all
It was FANTASTIC and if you EVER have a chance to go see her, DO IT.
She was amazing, and she cried onstage because we were her last show if this particular tour, it was heartbreaking and joyful at the same time.
After the show I chatted with her about shooting an SG set in her honor, which she was all for, and then we kissed so I could make my best friend jealous.
I'm telling you, she's a woman after my own heart, lol
Sadly my camea died right as her show started, but I did get a few pictures that I will add to this later.
Love to all
Yeah location always bugged me, never seem to find one til the last minute and it stresses me out bigtime !!! I have big red and lots of it, i cant stop chewing it, i think im addicted haha, but seriously, i think i am 
