Yea, so Classes started last Weds...and as if student loans were not in fact stressful enough, our University switched to this new program for registration and financial aid business...and it sucks so much ass I want to hunt down the person who invented it and rip them into as many pieces as I can before I tire out.
Or maybe thats because I've been watching and playing an inordinate amount of Zombie movies and games...yum
So yea, over half my financial aid has not yet been refunded to me. Grr...but I'm calling tomorrow to hopefully get this fixed *crosses fingers*
In other news, I'm already stressing myself sick over organic chem...mainly because I signed up to take a specific teacher who I knew I learned decently from, but the university (using this new bastard program) messed up the message that was supposed to tell us we were getting a different professor. Thats fine, annoying, but whatever, well my teacher has never taught before this year and has a very thick yea, not only did I get screwed by not getting the teacher I wanted for a specific reason...I can hardly understand my teacher, and Im normally very good about understanding accents...blah.
Now that that is off my chest, in good news, I have a Science Fiction class, and it's totally bad ass. Basically I get to read books from the genre I've been reading all my life and get graded on it. Bad Ass, and my bestfirend/roomie is in class with me, so he and I have a blast, and our professor is pretty cool and chill.
I have indeed quit my job at Party Makers, where the fun should never stop, but in reality the fun barely existed. Grr
I got out of the before the boss went nuts apparently...a few of my friends still there have since then put in their
But on the other hand, thanks to my parents knowing the most, as well as the oddest people ever, I went to talk to a lady who works at a local Sports Bar and I may get a job there! I'm excited, the hours may be hellacious until I get used to them, but the money, oh yes, the money (as bartenders in my town do pretty well) and the experience (I have always wanted to be a bartender) will be awesome!
I can't wait!!!!
And yes, I am shooting a set soon, however me and my friend who are doing have so many ideas we want to do we just have no idea where to's a little funny actually.
My Male situation is more than a little interesting, and I don't have the time or patience to go through it. Suffice to say it will be dealt with and finished soon.
As for me...I'm out, it's time to go study some Organic Chem and use all the knowledge I've accumulated from Genetics to figure out how to make a pet Zombie...and then to make a cure for zombies...just in case *wink*
Or maybe thats because I've been watching and playing an inordinate amount of Zombie movies and games...yum
So yea, over half my financial aid has not yet been refunded to me. Grr...but I'm calling tomorrow to hopefully get this fixed *crosses fingers*
In other news, I'm already stressing myself sick over organic chem...mainly because I signed up to take a specific teacher who I knew I learned decently from, but the university (using this new bastard program) messed up the message that was supposed to tell us we were getting a different professor. Thats fine, annoying, but whatever, well my teacher has never taught before this year and has a very thick yea, not only did I get screwed by not getting the teacher I wanted for a specific reason...I can hardly understand my teacher, and Im normally very good about understanding accents...blah.
Now that that is off my chest, in good news, I have a Science Fiction class, and it's totally bad ass. Basically I get to read books from the genre I've been reading all my life and get graded on it. Bad Ass, and my bestfirend/roomie is in class with me, so he and I have a blast, and our professor is pretty cool and chill.
I have indeed quit my job at Party Makers, where the fun should never stop, but in reality the fun barely existed. Grr
I got out of the before the boss went nuts apparently...a few of my friends still there have since then put in their
But on the other hand, thanks to my parents knowing the most, as well as the oddest people ever, I went to talk to a lady who works at a local Sports Bar and I may get a job there! I'm excited, the hours may be hellacious until I get used to them, but the money, oh yes, the money (as bartenders in my town do pretty well) and the experience (I have always wanted to be a bartender) will be awesome!
I can't wait!!!!
And yes, I am shooting a set soon, however me and my friend who are doing have so many ideas we want to do we just have no idea where to's a little funny actually.
My Male situation is more than a little interesting, and I don't have the time or patience to go through it. Suffice to say it will be dealt with and finished soon.
As for me...I'm out, it's time to go study some Organic Chem and use all the knowledge I've accumulated from Genetics to figure out how to make a pet Zombie...and then to make a cure for zombies...just in case *wink*
Good luck with the Org Chem class and good luck on getting the job.