So I resubmitted my set for Second Chance Sundays.
Cross your fingers.
For several reasons.
~I resubmitted my set, so maybe it'll have better luck
~I'm going to be shotting another set soon with a friend who said he wanted to help and wants the experience, I was in a horror movie of his and died in it, so he and I have fun working together, plus he's like my big bro so it's all good.
~I may be getting a new hair style soon, with some additional streaks and colors in my hair, can't wait.
~I'm job hunting, so hopefully I get a new job soon, and I can leave this terrible one.
~I just started playing Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition...because I'm hopelessly addicted to video games and zombies, and its so addicting and makes me want to hide behind my chair at the same time...I love it.
~I'm working on my zombie story again, and my friend (who I did the movie with and may be doing my next set) said he'd love to make it into a movie.
~I'm going to be in another movie, still no pay, but its fun, involves my friends, and I can use it on a resume...since being a DNA analyst is sooo going to need movies on its resume right? lol
So yea, I'm living, my cat is driving my nuts, my ex/bestfriend/roommate is driving me nuts, but I still love them both dearly, and My house is still cool despite the fact that I am just barely making rent at my icky job.
Blah, its all good though.
Anyway, off to feed my zombie addiction.
I'll keep you updated on the set!
Cross your fingers.
For several reasons.
~I resubmitted my set, so maybe it'll have better luck
~I'm going to be shotting another set soon with a friend who said he wanted to help and wants the experience, I was in a horror movie of his and died in it, so he and I have fun working together, plus he's like my big bro so it's all good.
~I may be getting a new hair style soon, with some additional streaks and colors in my hair, can't wait.
~I'm job hunting, so hopefully I get a new job soon, and I can leave this terrible one.
~I just started playing Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition...because I'm hopelessly addicted to video games and zombies, and its so addicting and makes me want to hide behind my chair at the same time...I love it.
~I'm working on my zombie story again, and my friend (who I did the movie with and may be doing my next set) said he'd love to make it into a movie.
~I'm going to be in another movie, still no pay, but its fun, involves my friends, and I can use it on a resume...since being a DNA analyst is sooo going to need movies on its resume right? lol
So yea, I'm living, my cat is driving my nuts, my ex/bestfriend/roommate is driving me nuts, but I still love them both dearly, and My house is still cool despite the fact that I am just barely making rent at my icky job.
Blah, its all good though.
Anyway, off to feed my zombie addiction.
I'll keep you updated on the set!
good luck girlie w/ the new shoot.

good luck with the set girl hope it gets accepted