Hells Yea V is Back!!!!!!!
So I'm back in classes...lames...cool thing is after this week I only have 5 weeks of classes left, 5!!! I'm sooo excited about this...I can't wait. I'm actually going to take the Summer off from classes, which will be the first time I've done so since High School, and I am looking forward to it sooo much...I'm feeling close to burnt out...But I'm holding on best I can.
More good news, Ryan, Panda, and I have finally found a place which we would like to call out own. Its currently under construction, but will be finished well before we want to move in, the place looks great, next time we go I'll get pics...I am in love with this place. It isn't officially ours, but the realtor is super sweet, so I'm pretty sure she'll work with us and have it held. Plus it's nicer and cheaper than a lot of the other available places in our area. So we're stoked.
Still no updates in my so called love life...it's just as confusing and stubborn as always.
Spring Break was a blast. Connecticut was cold, but awesome, the lake was frozen over, and we had no heat save for a fire place and a space heater in the house, but we set up blankets and mattresses on the floor and played Soul Calibur III and watched Scrubs on dvd the entire time. It was great. We ever stayed two nights in New Jersey and went to NYC for the day, which I had never officially been too, and we rode the train there...that was cool...then again it was my first train ride, so maybe it was just cool for me...lol
When we got back we picked up our copy of God of War II and just had at it...that game is WONDERFUL...OMG...
So yea...whoo!! I'm all happy right now, I just need to work on making money now....ick...
Then again I am still working on my zombie story, so Yay me!! Ryan and I are both working on individual writing projects right now, but may collaborate on something later, and that, I truly believe will be worth publishing.
Which...is my actual goal in life...I want to be a writer...so maybe this is it...
But yes, I am still going to school for Biology, I'm too smart to drop out just for writing.
I may post some pics later!
I just wanted to let you guys know I was alive!!!
Oh and I now have a webcam too...sweet! (like I have anyone to talk to on it...lol)
love you all
So I'm back in classes...lames...cool thing is after this week I only have 5 weeks of classes left, 5!!! I'm sooo excited about this...I can't wait. I'm actually going to take the Summer off from classes, which will be the first time I've done so since High School, and I am looking forward to it sooo much...I'm feeling close to burnt out...But I'm holding on best I can.
More good news, Ryan, Panda, and I have finally found a place which we would like to call out own. Its currently under construction, but will be finished well before we want to move in, the place looks great, next time we go I'll get pics...I am in love with this place. It isn't officially ours, but the realtor is super sweet, so I'm pretty sure she'll work with us and have it held. Plus it's nicer and cheaper than a lot of the other available places in our area. So we're stoked.
Still no updates in my so called love life...it's just as confusing and stubborn as always.
Spring Break was a blast. Connecticut was cold, but awesome, the lake was frozen over, and we had no heat save for a fire place and a space heater in the house, but we set up blankets and mattresses on the floor and played Soul Calibur III and watched Scrubs on dvd the entire time. It was great. We ever stayed two nights in New Jersey and went to NYC for the day, which I had never officially been too, and we rode the train there...that was cool...then again it was my first train ride, so maybe it was just cool for me...lol
When we got back we picked up our copy of God of War II and just had at it...that game is WONDERFUL...OMG...
So yea...whoo!! I'm all happy right now, I just need to work on making money now....ick...
Then again I am still working on my zombie story, so Yay me!! Ryan and I are both working on individual writing projects right now, but may collaborate on something later, and that, I truly believe will be worth publishing.
Which...is my actual goal in life...I want to be a writer...so maybe this is it...
But yes, I am still going to school for Biology, I'm too smart to drop out just for writing.
I may post some pics later!
I just wanted to let you guys know I was alive!!!
Oh and I now have a webcam too...sweet! (like I have anyone to talk to on it...lol)
love you all

Welcome back