Ok, So I promise to post a real journal later, full of news, and funny pictures, and possibly some of my Thanksgiving laziness...
however, right now,
I Feel The Need To Bitch
Today marks yet another time when I have been offered a chance to pose for another site. While this should be flattering and in a small way it is, I have made my decision...the only reason I am not up on the site already is my lack of photography skills. Yea, that sucks, but one trivial thing happening is not going to make me change my mind. It isn't like I don't have other oppurtunities. Geez.
However, a guy approached me today on one of the other sites I haunt and asked me if I would be interested in a site he was involved with. I was trying to not be rude, and I do so enjoy looking at SG competitor sites (maybe it makes me feel like I made a good decision? lol), so I said I would look at it and let him know what I thought.
Well here's my list so far, and what I find wrong...
~God's Girls, a friend asked me to go there instead, I told him he was lame and not my fault he bought a subscription to the wrong site.
~Burning Angel's, a little too pornographic for me, I love the art of nudity, not the sight of women masturbating all the time, so thanks but no thanks.
~Spooky Girls, Chaos Girls, BlackMetal Bitches, apparently its all one site, they advertise wanting girls who are interesting in anything from Pin Up Photography to Adult Content...all I saw was adult content...no PIn Ups anywhere, no thanks, I think I'll take my naked ass elsewhere.
Although I do have an opurtunity to work with Varga Photography, but thats just so I can have a Pin Up Photoshoot (kinda like a portfolio I guess) for myself and can use it to show companies and what not (as I have a guitar company interested in me that uses some other SG's as models too)
It frustrates me, because there is difference between art and porn. And while some people say SG treads that lline, SG is the only site I've come across that doesn't show their girls having sex. I also think SG takes a little bit better care of its ladies...so yea, whatever, I know it's all a matter of opinion, but seriously, people that think "Hmm she wants to pose naked maybe she'll do this too" and ask me to join porn sites, are really starting to get on my nerves. GRR!!!
Ok...so now that that is off my chest...I'll come back later once I've cooled down and give updates from my oh so unique life.
Love you all!!
however, right now,
I Feel The Need To Bitch
Today marks yet another time when I have been offered a chance to pose for another site. While this should be flattering and in a small way it is, I have made my decision...the only reason I am not up on the site already is my lack of photography skills. Yea, that sucks, but one trivial thing happening is not going to make me change my mind. It isn't like I don't have other oppurtunities. Geez.
However, a guy approached me today on one of the other sites I haunt and asked me if I would be interested in a site he was involved with. I was trying to not be rude, and I do so enjoy looking at SG competitor sites (maybe it makes me feel like I made a good decision? lol), so I said I would look at it and let him know what I thought.
Well here's my list so far, and what I find wrong...
~God's Girls, a friend asked me to go there instead, I told him he was lame and not my fault he bought a subscription to the wrong site.
~Burning Angel's, a little too pornographic for me, I love the art of nudity, not the sight of women masturbating all the time, so thanks but no thanks.
~Spooky Girls, Chaos Girls, BlackMetal Bitches, apparently its all one site, they advertise wanting girls who are interesting in anything from Pin Up Photography to Adult Content...all I saw was adult content...no PIn Ups anywhere, no thanks, I think I'll take my naked ass elsewhere.
Although I do have an opurtunity to work with Varga Photography, but thats just so I can have a Pin Up Photoshoot (kinda like a portfolio I guess) for myself and can use it to show companies and what not (as I have a guitar company interested in me that uses some other SG's as models too)
It frustrates me, because there is difference between art and porn. And while some people say SG treads that lline, SG is the only site I've come across that doesn't show their girls having sex. I also think SG takes a little bit better care of its ladies...so yea, whatever, I know it's all a matter of opinion, but seriously, people that think "Hmm she wants to pose naked maybe she'll do this too" and ask me to join porn sites, are really starting to get on my nerves. GRR!!!
Ok...so now that that is off my chest...I'll come back later once I've cooled down and give updates from my oh so unique life.
Love you all!!

The name God's Girls flat-out sucks. It sounds like you'd be looking at pics of Pentecostal chicks in long flowing skirts.

Grrr. I'm glad that's gone. It didn't look good on your chest anyways.
but seriously, you're right; you know exactly what you like and there is no reason to go after something "similar" unless you want to.