One thing that makes friendships and relationships what they are is loyalty. I'm noticing more and more recently that people just aren't loyal to their friends anymore. You can't tell any your friends secrets, they'll tell others. You can trust them not to bad mouth you to others. They will always put the current flavor of the week man they are dating before you, no matter how long you've been there for them. This bothers me so much because of the fact that I know that if any of my friends needed ANYTHING ever! I would do the best I could to give it to them. Many people have proven to me lately their lack of loyalty, and not just to me, to other friends. I hate two timers and back stabbers.. why can't anyone be faithful?
While it seems like these people are few and far between, take comfort in the knowledge that you're still one of them and that you're never alone in thinking something; a reminder that such people still exist...