Well, today started out pretty well, Shade took me out to lunch to make up for being a complete ass to me all week (which it doesn't make up for it) and me and Ash rawked some Guitar Hero, then I went to work, and it was a pretty decent night. I somehow ended up in a text message argument with Shade, which is completely fucking ridiculous. I am done with this. What kind of boyfriend DOESN'T want to hang out with his girlfriend, especially since he's the one that got me all on board with this girlfriend/boyfriend idea. I had a lot of doubts about it. Seriously, I like seeing my significant other more than once a week for only a few minutes at a time. Like, it's cool to have separate lives and all, but they have to meet at some point. Like, he doesn't even act like we're together unless we're physically together. And all week when I ask him what he's getting into and if he wants to hang out, he says he's going to sleep. Then Friday when I ask if he's okay, he flips on me telling me he works hard and is tired and doesn't need me bitching at him about it, and that he needs some fucking sleep and to leave him alone. Wow, what a way to act to someone's concern. What the fuck ever. I'm so over it. I am not going to let ANYONE treat me like shit, I deserve way better. Like, I tried to get him to come hang with me tonight, but he was too busy skating while I was working MY ass off, so he was gonna shower and go to bed. Whatever, he's 27 going on 15, and I'm looking for a man.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
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Thursday Sep 17, 2009
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Monday Sep 14, 2009
So I am moving. Again. This is the 3rd time since january. At this ra… -
Saturday Aug 22, 2009
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Friday Aug 21, 2009
My faildog buddha finally got his cast off today!!!! He got hit by a … -
Tuesday Aug 18, 2009
I started cosmetology school last night. Fucking win. I'm in loooovve… -
Friday Aug 14, 2009
I'm a fucking fool. -
Monday Aug 10, 2009
So stressed. So tired. I am putting in applications Wednesday to get … -
Thursday Aug 06, 2009
So I slipped and fell in this stupid old house and fucked up my knee.… -
Saturday Jul 11, 2009
Sup, new life? I like it.
Give you some space.
(and come have dinner with me, I'm FAMISHED! and would enjoy the company)
As for the decorating, I';m a big fan of the red and brown, and neutral (not white ) wall combo.
leather and wood, Velvet and metal with some taffeta tossed in as hints. A good rug (rugs= good things)
yea. stuff.
food? yes. food. *meanders off*
sorry. distracted... see you.