What the fuck is your problem?? Seriously. Are you that fucking full of yourself that you think you are so much better than everyone else? I apologize to you for something I shouldn't have even apologized for, considering I didn't do anything wrong. I apologized because I wanted things to be right and I didn't want it to be awkward for my friend STEPHANIE when she hung out with us, but NO! You are too fucking good for that. You can't take the same kind of insults that you dish out to everyone else, including your so called friends. You're so fucking cocky, and I don't understand why, you have no fucking reason to be. The world doesn't fucking revolve around you. You're not that amazing, you don't have the right to hate any-fucking-one because of their appearance, because to be honest, you're not that great yourself. You hate fat people, have you taken a look in the mirror lately? You have a little bit of pudge yourself! The way you acted tonight was completely uncalled for and completely unjustifiable. I was willing to be nice and make peace with you, despite the way you act towards everyone else, but you are too fucking full of yourself and up your own ass to understand anyone else's kindness. You have lost two friendships tonight. Mine, and STEPHANIE'S, which I'm sure you care much more about her being mad at you than me. Obviously you don't care about her and like her as much as you say, since you can't fucking "bear" to be nice to me for one night for her sake, especially considering I have done NOTHING to you. Everything until now has been completely playful with no ill or malicious intent, so its your fucking loss. You're too immature to act civil about this all, so fuck you.
And I feel a lot better now.
Oh, and I might have a new job, AND a cute boy got my number tonight
Maybe things are looking up.
The reply I got from that email
your fat and you smell
Yea... that's a winner
and if he says anything else stupid don't listen to him because obviously he's just trying to put you down to feel better about himself.
congrats on the psych test. that rules.
you know i still haven't seen all of X-men the movie. which is stupid because i used to absolutely love the cartoon series. spent so much time pretending i had awesome mutant powers.
big congrats on possible new job and boy. keep us posted!