So I need some help on two big decisions.
Decision Number 1:
What should I do with my hair? I bought some bleach and I need a change. I have no idea what to do. I was thinking chunking or something.. I really wanted to go white blonde, but my hair is too dark for that right now... Help me out. I also want a different cut/style. I love having my hair short, but I've gained too much weight to have it short, plus I had it short for years and need a change. Help me think of something to do with my hair!!!
Decision Number 2
My teacher has assigned us a book report type deal. I don't know all the details because he wants us to read the book first, then he'll give us the assignment. He gave us a list of books to choose from, but said we could approve books with him. He told me I could do anything by Chuck Palahniuk, and now is my delimmia: Should I use the book Survivor or the book Lullaby?? I am only halfway done with Lullaby, but I LOVE it, and Survivor is my favorite book by him so far. Like I said, I do love lullaby, but there are a lot of good parallels on society with Survivor, but I don't know if that will even have anything to do with the report. Does anyone who has read both books have any suggestions for me?? Please let me know, which would you choose?
Okay.. soo... get back to me peoples...
Decision Number 1:
What should I do with my hair? I bought some bleach and I need a change. I have no idea what to do. I was thinking chunking or something.. I really wanted to go white blonde, but my hair is too dark for that right now... Help me out. I also want a different cut/style. I love having my hair short, but I've gained too much weight to have it short, plus I had it short for years and need a change. Help me think of something to do with my hair!!!
Decision Number 2
My teacher has assigned us a book report type deal. I don't know all the details because he wants us to read the book first, then he'll give us the assignment. He gave us a list of books to choose from, but said we could approve books with him. He told me I could do anything by Chuck Palahniuk, and now is my delimmia: Should I use the book Survivor or the book Lullaby?? I am only halfway done with Lullaby, but I LOVE it, and Survivor is my favorite book by him so far. Like I said, I do love lullaby, but there are a lot of good parallels on society with Survivor, but I don't know if that will even have anything to do with the report. Does anyone who has read both books have any suggestions for me?? Please let me know, which would you choose?
Okay.. soo... get back to me peoples...
As for the books, if I'm given a choice of books, I usually pick the one I already know because I'm a lazy bones
Good luck with the hair.
Erm, your decisions... I haven't read either book and I'm not an authority on hair styling either, but... chunking sounds good. Both in terms of bleaching your hair and the sound of the word... CHUNKing... chunKING... hehe