This is from last weekend when Felicia was here. She's going to be back on my birthday which isDECEMBER 30TH and throwing me a party. Then I think I'm going up to VA for a week or so. So all you people out there in SG land don't forget my birthday!! haha. I dooo have an amazon wishlist
I'm excited because my Guitar Hero 2 from my brother should be coming in the mail any day now!!! Eep! I can't wait to play TROGDOR!! hahah.
So last night I went into the gas station next to my house, which I go into all the time. And my buddy Jeff who works there hasn't worked in a while so I figured he quit. I used to go in there at like 2 am and BS with him and he sold me beer and we'd talk about racing our mustangs and we were cool. Well I asked the clerk if he still worked there and he was like "nah, he got in a bad car wreck" and I asked if he was okay and the clerk said "No... he's not with us anymore.." !! That kinda fucked me up right there. I was not expecting that at all. It's stuff like that that reminds me of my own mortality. It was stuck in my head all night at the poker game how quick and easy it is for life to come and go... Which is probably why I ended up losing at poker (only 20 bucks though) even though one of my hands was FOUR fucking 8's. And this is hold 'em, so no wild cards. We were drawing crazy hands last night. Straights and flushes on the board all night!
WATCH THIS if you love guitar hero, TROGDOR, or BOTH!!
Soo I am ALMOST done remodeling the rooom! Here's some pictures of what's done so far!! I'm so excited, just a few more things to go. In the move I had somehow lost my bedsheets so I've been sleeping without them, but I found them with my shoes!?!
Hope you have a great holiday. Also hope you can make some SGNC things soon!