I know, I was awful last night and didn't write a blog... I did drink a shit ton of beer though and had a bag of gummy bears. Fuck chocolate, all I want is sugary candy. I am letting myself slip a little bit post shoot. I know I will get my shit together soon. This week though it is cold as fuck so I am giving a shout out to the winter body.
ANYWAY! I am really writing to thank you guys. I've reached my first 100 followers. It may seem miniscule but it means a lot to me. Last week I was excited about having 20! I don't think I will ever stop being excited though. So far I have only had nice, respectful, and complimentary people on here. The internet is usually full of negativity but this community seems so positive and open-minded. I think I'm in love. (swoon)
To CELEBRATE I am drinking more beer (like I need an excuse). SO CHEERS!