Dear fellow SG-ers who want to be my friend,
It's been said before, and now I'm saying it again, please, oh pretty please, if you are so interested in being my friend, leave some sort of legible comment in my journal. I'm sure you are all very lovely people, but I'm kind of getting annoyed by those of you who request my friendship in a shimmering halo of absolute.... silence. I'm getting so very close to cleaning house, as it were. So speak nonsensical nonsense in my cyber-ear, or beware my clicking finger of doom!
In other news... I don't really have any. I had to write a test in order to be "officially" hired at the restaurant. It was hard, but I prevailed. Not a bad idea, actually. It FORCED me to know the menu front and back. So far, it has been a lot of work without much pay in return, but I have high hopes in the tipage to be earned here.
Yesterday I indulged in a little theatrical culture, and went to see my friend Adrienne performing in a production of Macbeth. It is put on for high school students, and it was really quite well done. The sets and costumes were impressive, and most of the actors were very good; Lady Macbeth, Banquo and I believe it was Ross, Macbeth's man (any Shakespeare enthusiasts please jump in and correct me here) were very, very good. It goes without saying that Adrienne, as one of the Weird Sisters, stole the show. That is entirely my unbiased opinion. No, really. Sadly, I was not so terribly impressed with Macbeth.
Today I visited my grandmother at the hospital. My mom has been going every day since she was admitted, so I think it was nice for her to have some time to herself for once. She is ok, but she is getting very old and very frail, so I can't really say she is getting better. I've regressed to my previous beliefs that she will live forever, since it seems like she has. Maybe I'm in denial. But at least she's making demands and calling my mom hurtful names again, which must imply, i guess, that she is getting better.
Anyway I'm working in the morning and should go to bed. I made an apple pie, but I think I screwed up the pie crust... it didn't harden at all. In the garbage it goes.
It's been said before, and now I'm saying it again, please, oh pretty please, if you are so interested in being my friend, leave some sort of legible comment in my journal. I'm sure you are all very lovely people, but I'm kind of getting annoyed by those of you who request my friendship in a shimmering halo of absolute.... silence. I'm getting so very close to cleaning house, as it were. So speak nonsensical nonsense in my cyber-ear, or beware my clicking finger of doom!
In other news... I don't really have any. I had to write a test in order to be "officially" hired at the restaurant. It was hard, but I prevailed. Not a bad idea, actually. It FORCED me to know the menu front and back. So far, it has been a lot of work without much pay in return, but I have high hopes in the tipage to be earned here.
Yesterday I indulged in a little theatrical culture, and went to see my friend Adrienne performing in a production of Macbeth. It is put on for high school students, and it was really quite well done. The sets and costumes were impressive, and most of the actors were very good; Lady Macbeth, Banquo and I believe it was Ross, Macbeth's man (any Shakespeare enthusiasts please jump in and correct me here) were very, very good. It goes without saying that Adrienne, as one of the Weird Sisters, stole the show. That is entirely my unbiased opinion. No, really. Sadly, I was not so terribly impressed with Macbeth.
Today I visited my grandmother at the hospital. My mom has been going every day since she was admitted, so I think it was nice for her to have some time to herself for once. She is ok, but she is getting very old and very frail, so I can't really say she is getting better. I've regressed to my previous beliefs that she will live forever, since it seems like she has. Maybe I'm in denial. But at least she's making demands and calling my mom hurtful names again, which must imply, i guess, that she is getting better.
Anyway I'm working in the morning and should go to bed. I made an apple pie, but I think I screwed up the pie crust... it didn't harden at all. In the garbage it goes.
I had to throw away a apple pie too but for differnt reasons, Thats what I get for watching American Pie.
Oh yeah did I mention Im getting married?
I'll tell you what if I take one more aptitude test... I can do basic math, I can spell, but when you ask me questions about stuff I DON'T know about of course I'm not gonna know the answer.
The ad said "no experience necessary, we will train" so...
Nonsense I tell ya'.