OK. So. I've been sooooo anti-social lately. I'm stuck in this rut where I don't want to go anywhere or see anyone because that would mean being seen in public and having to actually TALK to people. Ew.
I have been slaving away on a web-site for an automotive accessory manufacturer/importer. It's driving me crazy because it's HUGE... they have so many products, I had a mental break-down last week and had no idea where to start or where to go. I think I'm turning grey from hunching over my computer keyboard in my dark little basement cave. I must at least have some kind of zombification going on. Well, just in time for hallowe'en, I say.
Anyway, I started talking to my computer screen last night. I don't mean metterings about something that went wrong with my work. I mean an entire conversation, in which the computer screen responded entirely on its own. I think it's time to get out, even if I have to force myself to look somewhat presentable and move among the living again. Ew.
In other news, I registered for a free trip to Israel a few months ago, and I had the interview last night. I guess they want to make sure you're really Jewish, and socially aclimated to the traveling "group dynamic". Considering my social dealings of late, that was a little worrisome. I didn't mention my most recent conversation with my computer screen. I'm really excited about the trip... I signed up for the "Extreme Adventure," which includes among other "extreme" activities, camel-back riding with Bedouins in the desert. How very Lawrence-of-Arabia. The interview was amusing because I had to make it sound as if I was at least somewhat into the whole religion thing. I feel like such a hypocrite now. But, alas, I suppose a free 10-day trip (airfare, meals and accomodation included) to Israel is worth the sacrifice.
I have been slaving away on a web-site for an automotive accessory manufacturer/importer. It's driving me crazy because it's HUGE... they have so many products, I had a mental break-down last week and had no idea where to start or where to go. I think I'm turning grey from hunching over my computer keyboard in my dark little basement cave. I must at least have some kind of zombification going on. Well, just in time for hallowe'en, I say.
Anyway, I started talking to my computer screen last night. I don't mean metterings about something that went wrong with my work. I mean an entire conversation, in which the computer screen responded entirely on its own. I think it's time to get out, even if I have to force myself to look somewhat presentable and move among the living again. Ew.
In other news, I registered for a free trip to Israel a few months ago, and I had the interview last night. I guess they want to make sure you're really Jewish, and socially aclimated to the traveling "group dynamic". Considering my social dealings of late, that was a little worrisome. I didn't mention my most recent conversation with my computer screen. I'm really excited about the trip... I signed up for the "Extreme Adventure," which includes among other "extreme" activities, camel-back riding with Bedouins in the desert. How very Lawrence-of-Arabia. The interview was amusing because I had to make it sound as if I was at least somewhat into the whole religion thing. I feel like such a hypocrite now. But, alas, I suppose a free 10-day trip (airfare, meals and accomodation included) to Israel is worth the sacrifice.
Look forward to seeing you there, in any event.
Wish I lived in Toronto and could take you out for coffee or something just to try to keep you from hearing your computer monitor. Okay, that and the fact that I just plain like you and would want to do whatever I could to help you snap out of your rut.
I'm not Jewish, though I think I could do a pretty good job passing. Unless they interviewed me at lunch and I instinctively ordered a bacon cheeseburger. That would probably reveal my gentile-ness. But at least I could impress them by pointing out how many kashruth laws I was breaking.