Peaches rocks my punk-rock world. It was a fantastic show... everyone should go and experience Peaches.
Eagles of Death Metal weren't half bad either.
I honestly have nothing much else to say. Work and school continue on... I make decent money, pay my bills, finish my kabillionth assignment or essay of the week, and then throw myself into the next week. I swear to gawd though that the weeks are on permanent fast-forward. Where the hell does the time go?? I blink and it's bloody monday again.
I haven't had real, orgasmic sex in like, forever.
The more I look at my new profile pic, the more I think I look like a Conehead. I had better pics, but when I stuck the XD card into the card reader, my computer told me the card wasn't "initialized"... and after the third time it did this I said fuck you, stupid computer, right up your multiple usb-port fat ass.
Things came to a head and everything worked out just fine. I missed your sweet sweet voice on Monday. I really enjoy your new profile pic. The au-natural look is one that compliments you. I will forever envy your flawless skin.

heya you sexay devil
why dont' you add me to msn
haha phil1111@hotmail.com