Man I really fucked up. Sigh. The hardest part is admitting to yourself and those around you that you fucked up. And I've done that, but it sure as shit doesn't make it any easier, does it? I stupidly, stupidly, took my eyes off the bar for a few minutes to rest my feet and talk to some amusing customers, but little did I know one of Vic's (my boss) best customers came in to sit at the bar. I guess this anal retentive ass felt I was ignoring my duties, and he apparently then got up and walked out. And then complained to my boss. Who called me at work this past Saturday and took away my Sunday shifts (the most lucrative day I work). But that's not the ONLY reason why. Because last Sunday I was having a really off day, and it got really really busy and I sort of got a little disorganized and fucked up a few orders... as in I forgot to order the food. But I totally recovered and every customer who walked out of my bar that day was smiling. But the guy who was helping me out that day, as a favour to Vic, decided to tell Vic about all the bad things, and none of the good. Fucking prick. That was the same day as the jerk ass customer who walked out. So altogether, I guess it doesn't make me look very good. ARGH!
So now I've lost my Sundays and I have to start all over again, under the close and watchful eye of my boss. At least he's going to give me another chance, and I will eventually get my Sundays back, but what is totally even worse is the fact that buddy who was helping me out on Sunday... ya that's right, HE got my Sunday. He doesn't even bloody fucking well WORK at my bar! He works NEXT DOOR at the fancy, la-de-da restaurant. What a fucking kick in the pants, man. I was sooooooooooooo close to going outside when I saw him on a smoke break to tell him where he could take his fucking little waiter apron and stick it.
So I'm short about $150 this week... no small sum for me. I'm ranting incoherently because I've been thinking about this all yesterday and all today and I'm half humiliated, and half angry at the whole situation.
But there's not much I can do but suck it the fuck up and work my way back into my boss's good graces.
Subject change. The NIN concert in Rochester was awsome. We headed out to the US border Thursday afternoon with two sets of directions, one from Yahoo Maps and the other from Mapquest. We couldn't go wrong. Ah, but famous last words. As it turns out, BOTH maps were wrong; one completely missing an entire HIGHWAY, and the other telling us to go the wrong way on said missing highway. We ended up halfway to Manitoba before we realized that we were perhaps going the wrong way. After careful monitoring, we found that we had gone about 150 km (that's about 93 miles for you non-metric American friends of mine) OUT OF OUR WAY. However, all became well after this point, and after crossing the border towards Queenston, and only a few hundred dollars in toll fees (what the fuck IS it with these tolls?? I felt like I was signing away my frist born... yeesh!), and a lot of nothingness (typical conversation during drive: "Oh look honey, a lot of nothing! how exciting!") we made it in to Rochester in good time. I wrote a small concert review here if you're a NIN fan. We made two new American friends, whom I chatted with (almost embarassingly so... I was a little, er, happy
). But they were very nice and put up with my nonsensical rambling. Thank goodness I'll never see them again.
We got home in record time (about 3 hours), and I ripped up the vinyl and threw down the beats for a good six hours straight. I zoned out, and don't remember much after that. Until I stopped and went to bed around 9 am the next morning. So, over all, good times.
Oh, and it's mine and the boy's FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY... tomorrow! eep!
So now I've lost my Sundays and I have to start all over again, under the close and watchful eye of my boss. At least he's going to give me another chance, and I will eventually get my Sundays back, but what is totally even worse is the fact that buddy who was helping me out on Sunday... ya that's right, HE got my Sunday. He doesn't even bloody fucking well WORK at my bar! He works NEXT DOOR at the fancy, la-de-da restaurant. What a fucking kick in the pants, man. I was sooooooooooooo close to going outside when I saw him on a smoke break to tell him where he could take his fucking little waiter apron and stick it.
So I'm short about $150 this week... no small sum for me. I'm ranting incoherently because I've been thinking about this all yesterday and all today and I'm half humiliated, and half angry at the whole situation.
But there's not much I can do but suck it the fuck up and work my way back into my boss's good graces.
Subject change. The NIN concert in Rochester was awsome. We headed out to the US border Thursday afternoon with two sets of directions, one from Yahoo Maps and the other from Mapquest. We couldn't go wrong. Ah, but famous last words. As it turns out, BOTH maps were wrong; one completely missing an entire HIGHWAY, and the other telling us to go the wrong way on said missing highway. We ended up halfway to Manitoba before we realized that we were perhaps going the wrong way. After careful monitoring, we found that we had gone about 150 km (that's about 93 miles for you non-metric American friends of mine) OUT OF OUR WAY. However, all became well after this point, and after crossing the border towards Queenston, and only a few hundred dollars in toll fees (what the fuck IS it with these tolls?? I felt like I was signing away my frist born... yeesh!), and a lot of nothingness (typical conversation during drive: "Oh look honey, a lot of nothing! how exciting!") we made it in to Rochester in good time. I wrote a small concert review here if you're a NIN fan. We made two new American friends, whom I chatted with (almost embarassingly so... I was a little, er, happy
We got home in record time (about 3 hours), and I ripped up the vinyl and threw down the beats for a good six hours straight. I zoned out, and don't remember much after that. Until I stopped and went to bed around 9 am the next morning. So, over all, good times.
Oh, and it's mine and the boy's FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY... tomorrow! eep!
Peoria Illinois,61643