I hope everyone has was a great holiday season!
This past week I've been on vacation from work. I haven't done much expect for finish up Christmas shopping for my wife and I have gotten all of her presents wrapped :D
My daughter has wanted a hatchimal since they have came out. We have looked for one in vein for many months. Finally we told her that she'd would have to wait until after Christmas to get one and she was fine with that. Last night was I was looking on Facebook at stuff for sale and found someone that was selling a hatchimal. I was joking with my wife they usually go in the first few minutes and at an ungodly price gouge. The post was up for 3 minutes and I was able to secure it for my daughter. I got up early this and morning and went to pick it up. We are so excited to get give this to her. She is going to be some surprised by it.