It's been forever since I updated this thing. A couple of weeks ago I was practicing on riding my Harley. I've never have ridden anything that was motorized on two wheels before or have I driven anything that was a manual. I was out practicing one day and my neighbors' kid was out. Seen I was struggling with getting the hang of the clutch and gas timing right. He went and got his dad (which rides a motorcycle) he gave me a few pointers and we talked for a bit. I practiced about an hour and went in for the night. The next day I was practicing again the neighbor from across the street seen me practicing some more. He just to ride a motorcycle too. He was giving me some more pointers. With the help of those two people I was doing pretty good. Then on Thursday i decided to try and make a turn. Well lets just say that didn't go so well. When I was turning I took the turn too fast and lost control of the bike and hit the curb. The bike ended up siding a bit on it's side and I was thrown across the pavement. The left turn signal and mirror broke a upon hitting the curb. The rear left turn signal is slightly bent outwards. At least it's salvageable. The front left one isn't. I got road rash on my elbow and all the way up my arm. After I picked myself up after the wipe out. I had to pick the bike back up and put it back on 2 wheels. That way it wouldn't be in the street still. I got it back up right pushed it onto the sidewalk. Took the key out and I went and picked up all the of the large pieces of the glass and plastic I could find and walked back to my house (since it was only a couple of blocks back) and put them in the red solo cup I found on the street. My kids and some of the neighborhood kids was out while I was practicing. They seen my walk back and asked me what happened and if I was ok. I replied Shit Happens and that I was fine. Then they offered to go and push my bike back for me. I told it was OK that I would go and back and get it. I put the cup in the garage and headed back for the bike. I told my kids to stay the house. The neighborhood boys were standing around the bike when I walked back to it. They offered again to push it back for me but I said would be easier to ride it back then to push it :D I got on the bike and rode it back to my house and parked for awhile while my arm healed a bit.
Here are the picture of the bike and myself after the wipe out:
I got the turn signals and the mirrors off of the bike last night and it runs like a champ. I'm just lucky that I didn't fucked up the paint or break any of my bone in the process. I"m more pissed about fucking the bike up them I am than hurting myself o.O I'm ready to ride again. I now just have to come up with money for farther repairs and to get tags on the bike. SSSSHHH I've naughty and riding around without them.
A few weeks a back I was able to score a Transformers Combiner Wars Motormaster and Devastator :D These are out standing pieces to my collection I have been building over the last few months. The Devastator has 6 voyver class bots to make him. This puts him standing at 18" tall. One of the biggest Transformers in my collection. I have lot of TFs but most of them are at my parents house in the basement. I've been selling some of the old ones I have. They're broken and such. I've some pretty good money for the junker bots I have. Here are pics of Devastator and Menasor:
My wife's mother is in the hospital again. She went to have her foot checked out. There was some weird bump on it. The doctors tried to treat the infection with antibiotics but it didn't help and they had to remove toes on that foot. (I've not for sure I have mentioned before that a couple of years ago she had her other leg amputated.) Where were on our way to the hospital last Sunday to see here and my father-in-law called and said that they had to move her to ICU Were at the hospital mainly all night waiting for her to come out of surgery. 5 out of 6 of her sister and my wife Grandma, they all went back to see here. I stayed with the kids and help to keep them busy. So now I've heard that the doctor is talking about removing more of foot/leg since infection is still present in it. I hope that everything her goes well and she can get well and the hell out of the hospitals.