SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much homework... Tafe has offically ended my social life, got 43425647564875 million things due in and no time! I havent even got time to be sleeping hahahha.... it hurts.... I have made so much chainmail that I have lost the feeling in my right thumb for what looks like it might be forever and have the worst rsi pain in the rest of my hands that I'm sure this career will be my crippling.... ROFL
Plus..... I have no time to organise my tatt show stuff so I'm going to just wing it..... Perth peeps, if you are not doing anything on sunday the 30th of May I'm showing a small section of my wares sometime between 2-3 pm at the Tattoo Show... so feel free to come along and laugh at my zombified self....
Anyway back to the homework....

Plus..... I have no time to organise my tatt show stuff so I'm going to just wing it..... Perth peeps, if you are not doing anything on sunday the 30th of May I'm showing a small section of my wares sometime between 2-3 pm at the Tattoo Show... so feel free to come along and laugh at my zombified self....
Anyway back to the homework....

does you have my email addy hun?
man am i hanging out for august