So yeah...... haven't really said much lately..... Christmas was pissy.... New years was great until it turned into a major disater..... Sorted it out blah blah.....
Bit vague headed at the moment..... been up for 17hours now... up and stressed... Had to rush Biff to hospital this morning... he had the madest chest and abdominal pains from 1.30amish till 7.00amish when he finally gave in to the "sure you don't want me to take you to hospital" beckons from me.... Watching a grown man curl up all fetal and look like he is experiencing a pain so severe it's like he is giving birth is all to much to take...Damn men.... act so macho then BAM sick and they crumble....
... We get to the emergency ward, he says to the nurse..."I'm either having a heart attack or my gallbladder has burst".....
....Anyway... I'm sitting here still awake from my early morning adventures still, in fear that soon as I nod off the hospital will ring me with more news.... Turns out he wasn't far off on the diagnosis... He has an 18mm gallstone... They're keeping him in (of course), for the whole weekend and well, with no private health insurance we'll just have to see how long it'll take to do something about it, that and the surgeon is on holidays......
...I also smashed 4 of my front teeth the other day and can't have them fixed/replaced till Feb... which sucks, cause it get's in the way of me eating and tafe.... Which w000t I do believe I got into..... After so many hassels....
...I'm also not the wellest myself again..... another dose of the Spanish Dancer for me... but hey...beat it before (x3) I'll beat it again..... Time to get healthy again adn stay that way...
On the good side of things... think I have the chance to get myself in with a local clothing company that make custom and tailored one offs and stuff and dat.... making up some stuff for them to look at.. hoping it will work out as they are so nicey (over)priced that I should be able to start making some good coin....
So yerrrrr............ 2007 has started pretty crappy for me.... so I've decided it hasn't started yet....
Till next time..... and it'll be better then I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............... Rock On Kids
Bit vague headed at the moment..... been up for 17hours now... up and stressed... Had to rush Biff to hospital this morning... he had the madest chest and abdominal pains from 1.30amish till 7.00amish when he finally gave in to the "sure you don't want me to take you to hospital" beckons from me.... Watching a grown man curl up all fetal and look like he is experiencing a pain so severe it's like he is giving birth is all to much to take...Damn men.... act so macho then BAM sick and they crumble....
... We get to the emergency ward, he says to the nurse..."I'm either having a heart attack or my gallbladder has burst".....
....Anyway... I'm sitting here still awake from my early morning adventures still, in fear that soon as I nod off the hospital will ring me with more news.... Turns out he wasn't far off on the diagnosis... He has an 18mm gallstone... They're keeping him in (of course), for the whole weekend and well, with no private health insurance we'll just have to see how long it'll take to do something about it, that and the surgeon is on holidays......
...I also smashed 4 of my front teeth the other day and can't have them fixed/replaced till Feb... which sucks, cause it get's in the way of me eating and tafe.... Which w000t I do believe I got into..... After so many hassels....
...I'm also not the wellest myself again..... another dose of the Spanish Dancer for me... but hey...beat it before (x3) I'll beat it again..... Time to get healthy again adn stay that way...
On the good side of things... think I have the chance to get myself in with a local clothing company that make custom and tailored one offs and stuff and dat.... making up some stuff for them to look at.. hoping it will work out as they are so nicey (over)priced that I should be able to start making some good coin....
So yerrrrr............ 2007 has started pretty crappy for me.... so I've decided it hasn't started yet....
Till next time..... and it'll be better then I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............... Rock On Kids

hope you can get your toofs fixed soon, its so uncomfy to have broken teeth!