Ouch I feel like a car accident... Well Well Well what an interesting and fun night The April Bash was..... Yay for everyone that came and yay for another well done year!! The bands went off and the beers went down...the beers, the vodkas, the beers, the vodkas, the beers, the vodkas........
I donned my April Bash top and headed on out.....
To get very very drunk.... here's a few snaps.... Think someone got more.... *nudge* *wink* *nudge* get em out
Can someone for the life of me PLEASE tell me what WeirdUncleBob is doing in this picture... I just figured he was checking out the quality of the stock or the size of her mouth???? or something..... quite quite strange....
Pint_Man and I
Yay we be drunk and they are crushing me!!!
The cheesy drunk... Not sure if he is an x-man or just a sticker junkie...or a poor attempt of promotion!!!
So yes all in all it was a fun night... Today I feel dead...
Sticking in another piece of random something just casue I feel like it...
Vodka Cop....
Senior Sargent Stolichnaya to the freezer STAT!!!!
So tomorrow it's my birthday, yay, yay, yay, and I shall be drinking again!!!!
Say ummmmm.....4pm till umm I dunno.... drinky poos at the Inglewood Hotel.... Anyone up for a few??? Ya know ya wanna!!! Remember public holiday on Tuesday kiddies
I donned my April Bash top and headed on out.....

To get very very drunk.... here's a few snaps.... Think someone got more.... *nudge* *wink* *nudge* get em out

Can someone for the life of me PLEASE tell me what WeirdUncleBob is doing in this picture... I just figured he was checking out the quality of the stock or the size of her mouth???? or something..... quite quite strange....

Pint_Man and I

Yay we be drunk and they are crushing me!!!

The cheesy drunk... Not sure if he is an x-man or just a sticker junkie...or a poor attempt of promotion!!!
So yes all in all it was a fun night... Today I feel dead...
Sticking in another piece of random something just casue I feel like it...
Vodka Cop....
Senior Sargent Stolichnaya to the freezer STAT!!!!

So tomorrow it's my birthday, yay, yay, yay, and I shall be drinking again!!!!
Say ummmmm.....4pm till umm I dunno.... drinky poos at the Inglewood Hotel.... Anyone up for a few??? Ya know ya wanna!!! Remember public holiday on Tuesday kiddies
