One more sloop until The April Bash!!!!!!!! It's going to be soooooooo much fun!!! Yay!!! Party!!! Yay!!! Birthday Party!!! Yay!!!
I hope there are and !!
I'll see whoever of you are there, there...
Love Ms Socks
Edit - 4.15am Can't Sloop: Bah I can't sloop... maybe cause I'm kinda sick still... Bah and I have such a big night tomorrow!!!
Anyhoo.... I got bored so I took a photo then found my trusty pencils and pastels.....It ended something like this....
I have so much art maybe I should do something more with it all....
Till later..... again....
One more sloop until The April Bash!!!!!!!! It's going to be soooooooo much fun!!! Yay!!! Party!!! Yay!!! Birthday Party!!! Yay!!!
I hope there are and !!
I'll see whoever of you are there, there...
Love Ms Socks
Edit - 4.15am Can't Sloop: Bah I can't sloop... maybe cause I'm kinda sick still... Bah and I have such a big night tomorrow!!!
Anyhoo.... I got bored so I took a photo then found my trusty pencils and pastels.....It ended something like this....
I have so much art maybe I should do something more with it all....
Till later..... again....
how was the bash?
ahh but what a corpse haha