Hey all been a while since I wrote anything interesting but I just have nothing to say...... Well I have heaps to say but I just can't seem to get it out onto paper..... Been working on some new art this week....
That was done with watercolour pencils based from a photo I took.... Think it's my favourite so far....
Well I've been a busy little monkey since the SG Burlesque last Tuesday.... Oh what a night that was... The girls were oh so lovely and nice to us when we met them and the booze was flowing like a waterfall during wet season......
However, wake up on Wednesday afternoon was not so pleasant... fucking hangover from hell or maybe just still totally pissed...
I managed to pour myself into the car with Dale and head the Charles' and the Velvetfaerie's house for Charles' Birthday to drink a keg of Little Creatures and what other anything we could find after we put a hole in keg
Thursday woke up feeling better than the day before suprisingly but hanging to be stoned and forget how drunk I was...So we sat around all day before heading back to Dale's to get watsed and watch some idiot box...On the way back there we fell into a drive-thru bottlo only to buy more booze....
Friday I woke up to my Cancer Specialist ringing me asking where I was... ooooopppps SHIT!!!! missed my appointment which kind of really sucks as I don't think I am very well again... acutally I think I'm really fucking sick again, but we will see....lovely person squished me in for next week... Headed home to get ready and head down the Rosey with Pint_Man and see the Tucker B's. We got far to drunk and moshed around up the front and all was good....
Woke up Saturday feeling like it was Wednesday afternoon all over again...very ill... Did as much of nothing as possibly..stared at sport all day, had a few beers, and got a free ticket to the Drones, Kill Devil Hills and Capiot City at the Amps. Headed off into the city with Pint_Man and few others only to make the lovely Fish get us out of a parking ticket by smiling cute at the satan men and promising to move the car..Met my friend Brenda at the bar and we started on what turned out to be a strange, strange, naughty night... Kill Devil Hills went off as always... Alex will have to buy a new bow for his fiddle soon.. I swear the man is only playing on 5 hairs!!!...So yerrrr anyhoo... The beers were going down thick and fast and we wandered off for a j in the adjacent car park.. On re-entering the Amps I run into a friend of mine and my ex-fuckheadsays (oops fiance) that I haven't seen in quite a while... We had a few drinks together and caught up and bitched and danced like fools till early morning before heading back to my place and relaxing
... oh so much fun.... *Smacks herself* Bad Wezil, you'll get into trouble if the ex finds out what really happened.... not like it is his business anyway but you get the drift...
Woke up Sunday morning to a nice little note next to my bed (yes w00t it knows how to go home) and to the Football, which inevitably meant MORE BEER... Go the Eagles!!!! Dunno how they let a 32 point lead at the end of 3rd quater dissappear to a 2pt win but w00t we won...
Velvetfaerie came over to watch the last quater and we got Fish and Chips and Longnecks and practiced our "Boganism"..... Beno came to visit and we all sat around like drunken ninnnies again!!!
I spent most of Monday doing art and stuff, cleaning the house, well half of it and catching up with Mello....That's the night my stupid sleeping patten kicked in... couldn't sleep till about 4am grrrrrrrrrr.... All I wanted was a good nights sloop....
Yesterday morning I get a phone call from "The Ex" asking me if he can drop by....This normally only happens when he's drunk but this time he wasn't!!! I couldn't believe it, he actually just dropped in to say hi....I swear I've seen more of that man in the past 10 months since we broke up than I did in the whole of our 3 and a half year engagement..Funny how things turn out, he gets along with me so much better now and is actually a great person to be around...I went food shopping and spent a grand $232 on stuff.... mmmmmmm yes I love my food..... Went for a few quiet drinks at a mates and then invited Beno over for dinner....Watched 2 hours of Simpsons and slacked around smoking j's... Couldn't fucking sleep again last night either... The sun was coming up when i dozed off this morning...
Got woken up at 9am by some stupid person from some stupid phone company offering me shit and when I told them I couldn't hear them properly they hung up... not like I wanted to talk to them anyway... So today I've payed my rego and done all my stuff I need to do except finish the cleaning..
Here's another one of my arty things I've been working on...
Yay 12 Days till my Birthday!!!!!!! which makes it 10 day till THE APRIL BASH..... Whooohoooo I can't wait... word is going around that there is possibly goig to be several hunderd of us attending so looks like we are in for a great night..... Hope to see you all there!!!
Well so much for having nothig to say... I'm still sitting here in my dressing gown... Should probably go have a shower...Think I'll cook lamb roast for dinner tonight
Take care Kids

That was done with watercolour pencils based from a photo I took.... Think it's my favourite so far....
Well I've been a busy little monkey since the SG Burlesque last Tuesday.... Oh what a night that was... The girls were oh so lovely and nice to us when we met them and the booze was flowing like a waterfall during wet season......
However, wake up on Wednesday afternoon was not so pleasant... fucking hangover from hell or maybe just still totally pissed...
I managed to pour myself into the car with Dale and head the Charles' and the Velvetfaerie's house for Charles' Birthday to drink a keg of Little Creatures and what other anything we could find after we put a hole in keg

Thursday woke up feeling better than the day before suprisingly but hanging to be stoned and forget how drunk I was...So we sat around all day before heading back to Dale's to get watsed and watch some idiot box...On the way back there we fell into a drive-thru bottlo only to buy more booze....

Friday I woke up to my Cancer Specialist ringing me asking where I was... ooooopppps SHIT!!!! missed my appointment which kind of really sucks as I don't think I am very well again... acutally I think I'm really fucking sick again, but we will see....lovely person squished me in for next week... Headed home to get ready and head down the Rosey with Pint_Man and see the Tucker B's. We got far to drunk and moshed around up the front and all was good....
Woke up Saturday feeling like it was Wednesday afternoon all over again...very ill... Did as much of nothing as possibly..stared at sport all day, had a few beers, and got a free ticket to the Drones, Kill Devil Hills and Capiot City at the Amps. Headed off into the city with Pint_Man and few others only to make the lovely Fish get us out of a parking ticket by smiling cute at the satan men and promising to move the car..Met my friend Brenda at the bar and we started on what turned out to be a strange, strange, naughty night... Kill Devil Hills went off as always... Alex will have to buy a new bow for his fiddle soon.. I swear the man is only playing on 5 hairs!!!...So yerrrr anyhoo... The beers were going down thick and fast and we wandered off for a j in the adjacent car park.. On re-entering the Amps I run into a friend of mine and my ex-fuckheadsays (oops fiance) that I haven't seen in quite a while... We had a few drinks together and caught up and bitched and danced like fools till early morning before heading back to my place and relaxing

Woke up Sunday morning to a nice little note next to my bed (yes w00t it knows how to go home) and to the Football, which inevitably meant MORE BEER... Go the Eagles!!!! Dunno how they let a 32 point lead at the end of 3rd quater dissappear to a 2pt win but w00t we won...

Velvetfaerie came over to watch the last quater and we got Fish and Chips and Longnecks and practiced our "Boganism"..... Beno came to visit and we all sat around like drunken ninnnies again!!!
I spent most of Monday doing art and stuff, cleaning the house, well half of it and catching up with Mello....That's the night my stupid sleeping patten kicked in... couldn't sleep till about 4am grrrrrrrrrr.... All I wanted was a good nights sloop....
Yesterday morning I get a phone call from "The Ex" asking me if he can drop by....This normally only happens when he's drunk but this time he wasn't!!! I couldn't believe it, he actually just dropped in to say hi....I swear I've seen more of that man in the past 10 months since we broke up than I did in the whole of our 3 and a half year engagement..Funny how things turn out, he gets along with me so much better now and is actually a great person to be around...I went food shopping and spent a grand $232 on stuff.... mmmmmmm yes I love my food..... Went for a few quiet drinks at a mates and then invited Beno over for dinner....Watched 2 hours of Simpsons and slacked around smoking j's... Couldn't fucking sleep again last night either... The sun was coming up when i dozed off this morning...
Got woken up at 9am by some stupid person from some stupid phone company offering me shit and when I told them I couldn't hear them properly they hung up... not like I wanted to talk to them anyway... So today I've payed my rego and done all my stuff I need to do except finish the cleaning..
Here's another one of my arty things I've been working on...

Yay 12 Days till my Birthday!!!!!!! which makes it 10 day till THE APRIL BASH..... Whooohoooo I can't wait... word is going around that there is possibly goig to be several hunderd of us attending so looks like we are in for a great night..... Hope to see you all there!!!
Well so much for having nothig to say... I'm still sitting here in my dressing gown... Should probably go have a shower...Think I'll cook lamb roast for dinner tonight

Take care Kids

Apologies in advance for me not attending the April Bash. My best mate has decided she's buggering off to the US of A on the 28th and is having her going away shindig this Saturday.
But y'all are supreheroes, so I guess you'll survive.
And how good is the footy? Go you Eagles