Soooo....I'm going to recap my trip. I went to Vegas, to take an exam to get certified, and was supposed to meet up with some friends to play a show, and then party at the MGM Grand. We did 2 of those things.
I really wish we had pictures, but Connor broke hiscamera at the airport, (he dropped it in the sink) and refused to...
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I really wish we had pictures, but Connor broke hiscamera at the airport, (he dropped it in the sink) and refused to...
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"..." <----- Dumb. Awful idea.
Ugh. I just woke up an hour ago, with 4 hours under my belt. I forgot how bad the morning after is.
I'm looking around my room and its a wreck...and I don't know where yesterday went. I'm hot and im cold and the vessels around the temporal lobes are constricting and its killing me. My hearing goes in waves. My forehead feels as if...
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I'm looking around my room and its a wreck...and I don't know where yesterday went. I'm hot and im cold and the vessels around the temporal lobes are constricting and its killing me. My hearing goes in waves. My forehead feels as if...
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I was thinking to myself "the bubble story?" and had to go back through my blog to figure it out. I call that the "car chase story".
Sounds good.
Can't help but feel a bit like Odysseus.
So fucking hackneyed....but when you said, "You haven't been treated very well, have you? That stops now." It kinda hit me deep. Real deep. It's all I can think about. Especially since you're kinda a culprit---kinda. But then again, you were always one for picking up strays, right? Let's hope the third time is the charm.
I promise I wont run this time if you...
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I always loved, even as a child, when my Holmes-boy (see? I can be funny sometimes!) would bend shit, and knock people and animals alike, the fuck out. But this is just travesty. Pure and adulterated. You people probably don't care; and I don't blame you. 19th century literary characters don't really show up on modern-day agendas, but this has been like my hero since...
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The reason I got no sleep yet. And STILL not fucking done. Well here it is, not yet published, or even edited or finalized---OOOO! SPOILERS!
[Vetas website homepage, with 3 large profile pictures as the focal point. In one she sports blonde hair with faded dyes, topless, and wears nothing but sunglasses and a plastic toroidal chain around her neck. Her arms are behind her...
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[Vetas website homepage, with 3 large profile pictures as the focal point. In one she sports blonde hair with faded dyes, topless, and wears nothing but sunglasses and a plastic toroidal chain around her neck. Her arms are behind her...
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