I actually got a stomach ache yesterday from looking at my schedule. Shit shit shit shit, I have so much shit to do. And the most annoying thing is that its all school stuff. I don't get any satisfaction from finishing the tasks at hand, other than having them done, and having the stress gone. But it doesn't fucking matter cause the second I finish it, I have more stress and more shit to do. Goddamnit, I fucking hate school.
Hey, my account is going to be cancelled feb 21, find me on friendster. My name....(shock) is Gabriella.
I feel so naked without my alias
Hey, my account is going to be cancelled feb 21, find me on friendster. My name....(shock) is Gabriella.
I feel so naked without my alias
happy birthday!
Hmmmm seems you were not cancelled after all. Does not mean you are still around... but your legacy is.