I fucking hate urinal politics. So you are in a public restroom, taking a piss, and there are no dividers between the urinals. Why the fuck does everyone have to make a goddamned show of whipping out their dick, yet NOT exposing to where all the other people who HAVE DICKS can possible get a glimpse of it? Hate to tell you partner, but yours isn't all that much more special than mine. It fucking drives me insane watching guys come close to pissing themselves trying to make sure their fellow pissers don't catch a glimpse of their cock. And then.. after all this effort to try and keep theirs hidden, half this fuckers look around. Gah.
More bitching ahead:
I'm a pretty social person. I usually spend 5-6 nights out doing something with my friends. Every once in a while though, even I need a break. I'll go into mild anti-social mode in order to avoid excessive drinking, and sleepless nights. Everything is going fine... for the first day or so of mild anti-social mode, but then... I push my luck. I go to far. I realize I'm at home on a friday night... "recovering".... when I should be out fucking shit up. Realizing that I'm bored out of my mind.. I cycle through all my old video games, when those fail to entertain me, I make half-asleep delerious posts like this.
More bitching ahead:
I'm a pretty social person. I usually spend 5-6 nights out doing something with my friends. Every once in a while though, even I need a break. I'll go into mild anti-social mode in order to avoid excessive drinking, and sleepless nights. Everything is going fine... for the first day or so of mild anti-social mode, but then... I push my luck. I go to far. I realize I'm at home on a friday night... "recovering".... when I should be out fucking shit up. Realizing that I'm bored out of my mind.. I cycle through all my old video games, when those fail to entertain me, I make half-asleep delerious posts like this.
Yeah I was late. There was...a disturbance.