Besides this random fucking douche bag that Ronnie and I tried to take outside and kill, last night fucking rocked. It was our friend's birthday, so we threw her a surprise party. I wasn't going to go.. because the girl... Tamra.. well I get drunk and talk a lot of shit, especially to bitches, and I wasn't sure how she felt about me. But Super-Hot Emma invited me, so I just went with it.
My drunken wit was in full affect.. but.. in a weird way. Instead of making bitches cry and want to kick me in the nuts, I... charmed them. Even my arch-nemesis.. Megan.. the only girl who has ever out drunken shit talked me (she lied and cheated, so it doesn't really count) was all buddy buddy with me. "You're the ying to my yang Paul, you are the male version of me."
I'm thinking that maybe using my wit to charm, instead of insult, might get me laid more often.. hmmmm.. but is it worth it?
My drunken wit was in full affect.. but.. in a weird way. Instead of making bitches cry and want to kick me in the nuts, I... charmed them. Even my arch-nemesis.. Megan.. the only girl who has ever out drunken shit talked me (she lied and cheated, so it doesn't really count) was all buddy buddy with me. "You're the ying to my yang Paul, you are the male version of me."
I'm thinking that maybe using my wit to charm, instead of insult, might get me laid more often.. hmmmm.. but is it worth it?
Man, I applaud you for having the conviction in your ideals to even ask that question.
Yeah, you crazy fuck! Ya spilled insane spooge juice all over my journal and requested friendship. I was about to decline but Deck warned me that you would kidnap my future kids and ransom them for cheap Mexican beer if I did.