recently clients have been bringing in tons of food (ha, more like bagels, cookies, candy, fudge and loads of popcorn) to our hospital. but i must say the strangest food item sent to us this holiday season was a brisket from texas.
who the fuck sends a frozen brisket? seriously.
let's see, what else...
single, again. and it's ok.
watching too much metalocalypse.
kind of liking guitar hero. kill me now.
my dog is going crazy and will be starting xanax very soon.
chicago is great.
brisket. really.

who the fuck sends a frozen brisket? seriously.
let's see, what else...
single, again. and it's ok.
watching too much metalocalypse.
kind of liking guitar hero. kill me now.
my dog is going crazy and will be starting xanax very soon.
chicago is great.
brisket. really.
why do I suck so bad when I try to use the little insert options. fuck inserts.

When are you coming to visit? I'll have to come see you at this rate...