To top off my week, I almost got fired over a misunderstanding. Well, I did get fired, then my boss backpedaled a little. I'm a little sketched out still, and in shock because I have never ever come close to being fired by anyone. It just sucks that the people I trusted as friends are so underhanded. I suppose I should know better. People are usually only working for their own interests, and I am a stupid idealist who expects everyone to be like me.
I applied for interest relief, and I need to produce my pay stubs for the past two months. Hmmm. I should have hung on to those hey? Shit.
I'm in love with a cruiser bicycle. It would be bad to sell my AWESOME mountain bike for it right? Right?
I'm catching a ferry to the big city in an hour to see the Quannum world tour. I'm almost more thrilled with the idea of getting out of town than I am with the show. It should be good though. I'm going to have floating sushi for dinner!! I was going to get my nipples done on this trip, buit I don't want to do them before the show and I have to leave the next morning. Hmmm. We'll see.
Have a great night everyone!!!

I applied for interest relief, and I need to produce my pay stubs for the past two months. Hmmm. I should have hung on to those hey? Shit.

I'm in love with a cruiser bicycle. It would be bad to sell my AWESOME mountain bike for it right? Right?
I'm catching a ferry to the big city in an hour to see the Quannum world tour. I'm almost more thrilled with the idea of getting out of town than I am with the show. It should be good though. I'm going to have floating sushi for dinner!! I was going to get my nipples done on this trip, buit I don't want to do them before the show and I have to leave the next morning. Hmmm. We'll see.
Have a great night everyone!!!

Interest relief? That rings no bell.
A mountain bike is infinitely useful. How many uses are their for a cruiser anyway?
Good luck with the nips, if you get them done.
My dreams are approaching some sort of Lovecraftian horror story. I fear that writing them down would cause wayward readers to be driven insane and cause them to try to elect wild palominos to public office.
Where'd you get the shirt?