I went on a fabulous road trip.
I went to Shambhala, where I was naked for three days. One can only tolerate hippie banter for so long, but it was fun, and forty five degrees the whole time.
Then I went to a cabin on a glacier-fed lake in the East Kootenays. At this place we can still drink straight out of the stream, and...
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I went to Shambhala, where I was naked for three days. One can only tolerate hippie banter for so long, but it was fun, and forty five degrees the whole time.
Then I went to a cabin on a glacier-fed lake in the East Kootenays. At this place we can still drink straight out of the stream, and...
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Quote of the week: "Oh my god, this horse is REAL!!"
The Reverend show was bloody excellent. It was rowdy, I drank gin, and dropped a guy on the floor for dumping beer on me. I'm an asshole. I slept on a couch with no cushions that was two feet shorter than I. It still hurts.
I worked my last bar shift yesterday. Bittersweet that....
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The Reverend show was bloody excellent. It was rowdy, I drank gin, and dropped a guy on the floor for dumping beer on me. I'm an asshole. I slept on a couch with no cushions that was two feet shorter than I. It still hurts.
I worked my last bar shift yesterday. Bittersweet that....
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MrDeity wants to see the Victoria gang. So I have planned an event, Mr.Diety Visits Victoria. Post if you can come!!!
thats cool, i wanna drop a guy on the floor!

Five more shifts as a bartender. I'm sure I'll miss it when it's over. Cruise ship season is still full on though.
Quote of the week: Enormous fat man waddles off the ship, walks up to me, leans heavily on my trolley and waves his hand absently with a sneer, "So. Is this, like, the Canada?"
As soon as my loan is approved, I'm getting...
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Quote of the week: Enormous fat man waddles off the ship, walks up to me, leans heavily on my trolley and waves his hand absently with a sneer, "So. Is this, like, the Canada?"
As soon as my loan is approved, I'm getting...
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I really like that you've got this cleansing ritual type trip planned. Sounds nice.
You asked:
Do you wish to save the world, or merely savour it?
Savour. I have no desire to save the world, as I don't think it needs saving, nor to have have much interest in most of the world. The pleasure of existence is what I'm after.
You asked:
Do you wish to save the world, or merely savour it?
Savour. I have no desire to save the world, as I don't think it needs saving, nor to have have much interest in most of the world. The pleasure of existence is what I'm after.
thanksyou honey !

Well it's really happening. I'm moving. I'm not really an apartment girl, but this one is really great, so I think I can suck it up.
There are no pets, but I can sign a fishtank clause, and my animals live in fishtanks, so that will have to count. Rats and lizards are kinda like fish.....
Canada day was fun. We were pulled off the...
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Canada day was fun. We were pulled off the...
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hey, you're back! i thought you were gone forever...
did you make it out to SGB last night?
did you make it out to SGB last night?
well i'm glad you caught it.
there was a whole pile of us SGVic folks hanging out before, during, and after the show. i'm sorry we didn't find you.
there was a whole pile of us SGVic folks hanging out before, during, and after the show. i'm sorry we didn't find you.
Well hello.
Geez, I hope no one forgot me. I had to disappear for a while. It seems I've lost some friends in the process. Sigh.
New plans!!! Work my fifteen hour days and go on a road trip in August.
The tourists have arrived indeed. I work off the cruise ships where people waddle off, demonstrating their firm belief in American excess. I made...
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Geez, I hope no one forgot me. I had to disappear for a while. It seems I've lost some friends in the process. Sigh.
New plans!!! Work my fifteen hour days and go on a road trip in August.
The tourists have arrived indeed. I work off the cruise ships where people waddle off, demonstrating their firm belief in American excess. I made...
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glad you are back doll !

One day, summer, to me, won't mean a whole lot of hard work.
I did my tour guide job one day this week for three hours and made sixty bucks USD. Now I remember why I went back. When I meet people, they always say I look really familiar. My job, not to mention the nature of this city, has a lot to do with...
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I did my tour guide job one day this week for three hours and made sixty bucks USD. Now I remember why I went back. When I meet people, they always say I look really familiar. My job, not to mention the nature of this city, has a lot to do with...
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I would love to come to Canada...it is on my list of places to visit!
So when are you going to come up to me at the bar and say "hi"?
Monday morning.
I sat in bed all morning eating chocolate, and listening to soft music. I think I have it bad, but nevermind.
The family comes home today. It was nice having the house to myself fo four days. I only got into a teeny bit of trouble.
I now work two full time jobs, and my next day off is May 2. I may...
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I sat in bed all morning eating chocolate, and listening to soft music. I think I have it bad, but nevermind.
The family comes home today. It was nice having the house to myself fo four days. I only got into a teeny bit of trouble.
I now work two full time jobs, and my next day off is May 2. I may...
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so i scoped for a chick at the Pixies gig with fangs, but none of them looked familiar...
what did you think of the show? i'm listening to it again right now!
[Edited on Apr 22, 2004 1:28AM]
what did you think of the show? i'm listening to it again right now!

[Edited on Apr 22, 2004 1:28AM]
everyone's telling me the secret to bowling is a lot of drinking before, during, and after. i think that's my best route. i'm gonna try and beat your 17, but don't bet on me... you gonna come out?
The show was grand. The hip hop was phenomenal, but the good times to be had were mostly due to the great crowd. That is what really makes a show good I think. Everyone passed their weed to everyone else freely, and were cool and chatty.
After our many vodka redbulls, we headed out and got very drunk at a little bar full of people...
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After our many vodka redbulls, we headed out and got very drunk at a little bar full of people...
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Nope, Murder City Devils.
Umm, sorry. Quannum collective guy. One half of Latyrx.

To top off my week, I almost got fired over a misunderstanding. Well, I did get fired, then my boss backpedaled a little. I'm a little sketched out still, and in shock because I have never ever come close to being fired by anyone. It just sucks that the people I trusted as friends are so underhanded. I suppose I should know better. People are...
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Yeesh. Sorry to hear about the job situation. Always sucks to find out that you work in a nest of vipers.
Interest relief? That rings no bell.
A mountain bike is infinitely useful. How many uses are their for a cruiser anyway?
Good luck with the nips, if you get them done.
My dreams are approaching some sort of Lovecraftian horror story. I fear that writing them down would cause wayward readers to be driven insane and cause them to try to elect wild palominos to public office.
Interest relief? That rings no bell.
A mountain bike is infinitely useful. How many uses are their for a cruiser anyway?
Good luck with the nips, if you get them done.
My dreams are approaching some sort of Lovecraftian horror story. I fear that writing them down would cause wayward readers to be driven insane and cause them to try to elect wild palominos to public office.
I'm planning a 3 month trip around europe!!
Where'd you get the shirt?
Where'd you get the shirt?
It's definitely one of those weeks.
Everyone's mad because I haven't cleaned the house because I've been working so much. My student loan repayment forms are in, but I can't repay my loans AND save for school. I went out to cancel the lease on my horse because I'll be working so much to save for school, and I couldn't do it. Instead I ride...
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Everyone's mad because I haven't cleaned the house because I've been working so much. My student loan repayment forms are in, but I can't repay my loans AND save for school. I went out to cancel the lease on my horse because I'll be working so much to save for school, and I couldn't do it. Instead I ride...
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hi you! yeah weekend was great, you can read it in my journal entry
now please don't be too jealous, I don't wanna be bitten!!
hope your plans will be going well, really worth seeing the reunited Pixies!
have a nice day

now please don't be too jealous, I don't wanna be bitten!!

hope your plans will be going well, really worth seeing the reunited Pixies!

have a nice day

Okay. Here's the deal. I keep thinking I'm seeing you at the club, but then I'm never sure and never approach you. Is it you? Who are you? This infernal mystery must be solved!!
you can give me your email through my contact page if you wanna stay in touch.
[Edited on Aug 30, 2004 11:31PM]
[Edited on Aug 31, 2004 6:32AM]