I might have already effed up once errr... twice already. I work at the Renaissance Faire and completely fell head-over-heals for one of the actors.
The mistakes that might have already occurred are,
One: she might already know I like her since I talked to one of my co-rose sellers and she's good friends with the actors.
Two: I friended her on Facebook without thinking about it, and tried to wait a few days to see if she would just except it, but she didn't after 24 hours so I deleted it. If she saw it then GRRR, but if she didn't check it, I'm sure it'll show up in her email. GAH!
On Saturday I'm going to give her a feather rose (which I sell) with a note on parchment written in Calligraphy of the first part of Shakespeare's Sonnet 54 which reads "O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem/By that sweet ornament which truth doth give./The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem/For that sweet odour which doth in it live."
What should I do, Do I look like a creepy stalker chick already? Please give me pointers, I'm SOOOO freakin nervous. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Youtube Video
She's the one singing... isn't she FREAKIN ADORABLE!!!??

The mistakes that might have already occurred are,
One: she might already know I like her since I talked to one of my co-rose sellers and she's good friends with the actors.
Two: I friended her on Facebook without thinking about it, and tried to wait a few days to see if she would just except it, but she didn't after 24 hours so I deleted it. If she saw it then GRRR, but if she didn't check it, I'm sure it'll show up in her email. GAH!
On Saturday I'm going to give her a feather rose (which I sell) with a note on parchment written in Calligraphy of the first part of Shakespeare's Sonnet 54 which reads "O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem/By that sweet ornament which truth doth give./The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem/For that sweet odour which doth in it live."
What should I do, Do I look like a creepy stalker chick already? Please give me pointers, I'm SOOOO freakin nervous. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Youtube Video
She's the one singing... isn't she FREAKIN ADORABLE!!!??