...sorry, so sorry for not being around for a while but i am back
...my coworker came up with this and it's totally funny ...take a look at my NEW PICS: SIGNS folder
...i finally just had to drop my biology class ...i failed my midterm ...no time for boys and no time for toys ...it was either fail biology or drop it and get my life back ...i choose life ...now i can come back to suicidegirls and type and read and check out all the girls
...tomorrow i am going as chi (chobits) for halloween ...my personality on the chobits quiz rates as a chili pepper and not chi type ...fuck that quiz ...my best friend is going as a gothic lolita doll ...we spent hours scouring the mall for mary-janes and fish-eye hooks yesterday before the party
...i think americans aren't happy unless they have something to worry about ...with my new credit card i got a subscription to newsweek ...the most recent article is the threat of bird flew to the united states ...a few months earlier it was the disasters that could hit the u.s. ...a few weeks ago it was americans are too fat ...i think americans just want to obsess over something and each week the stimulation of the last obsession has worn off so they need something new to obsess about ...i prefer to obsess over wearing black lipstick or red ...seems much more less threatening
...i ordered a glass dildo from amazon.com ...it arrives next week ..it's ribbed with a pretty pink snakelike ridge ...i've never had the "pleasure" but it looks delightful
...Tempest, i totally love the drawing ...that is absolutely beautiful
...my coworker came up with this and it's totally funny ...take a look at my NEW PICS: SIGNS folder
...i finally just had to drop my biology class ...i failed my midterm ...no time for boys and no time for toys ...it was either fail biology or drop it and get my life back ...i choose life ...now i can come back to suicidegirls and type and read and check out all the girls
...tomorrow i am going as chi (chobits) for halloween ...my personality on the chobits quiz rates as a chili pepper and not chi type ...fuck that quiz ...my best friend is going as a gothic lolita doll ...we spent hours scouring the mall for mary-janes and fish-eye hooks yesterday before the party
...i think americans aren't happy unless they have something to worry about ...with my new credit card i got a subscription to newsweek ...the most recent article is the threat of bird flew to the united states ...a few months earlier it was the disasters that could hit the u.s. ...a few weeks ago it was americans are too fat ...i think americans just want to obsess over something and each week the stimulation of the last obsession has worn off so they need something new to obsess about ...i prefer to obsess over wearing black lipstick or red ...seems much more less threatening
...i ordered a glass dildo from amazon.com ...it arrives next week ..it's ribbed with a pretty pink snakelike ridge ...i've never had the "pleasure" but it looks delightful
...Tempest, i totally love the drawing ...that is absolutely beautiful
Also, I felt horrible, here I bitched at you to update and then didn't comment for so long. I deserve something unpleasant.